Other Religion Books

This contain books of almost every religion.
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  • DHARMA Studies in its Semantic, Cultural and Religious History (Edited by Patrick Olivelle)

    Other Religion Books

    This is the first scholarly book devoted to the term dharma within the broad scope of Indian cultural and religious history. Most generalization about Indian culture and religion upon close scrutiny turn out to be inaccurate. An exception undoubtedly is the term dharma.(Motilal Banarsidas)
  • DIALOGUE WITH THE WORLD The Concept of Body according to Merleeau-Ponty & Ramanuja

    Other Religion Books

    Dialogue with World is a modest attempt at understanding the concept of the body in the works of two remarkable philosophers, one from the West & the other from the East. Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Sri Ramanuja, representing two great philosophical traditions, are philosophers who made unique contributions towards creative & convergent thinking focussing on the body as an incarnate Consciousness. Merleau-Ponty weaves his world of experience centred on the ensouled body, the indivdualized consciousness. Ramanuja, on the contrary, sees the last link of the all-pervading synthesis in the absolute consciousness, Brahman which is for him characterized by a world body, containing both sentient & non-sentient beings, all of which are his attributes. Merleau-Ponty & Ramanuja stand for divine synthesis, respectively. For both of them, the body & consciousness, human or divine, exist in an intrinsic interrelationship. For Merleau-Ponty, only the animated human body can create a human world. Similarly, for Ramanuja, the world-body which Brahman effects around him is totally guided & sustained by Bramanalone. The human self contains a deeper profundity, in virtue of the very consciousness that been embodied, which makes it ever seeking & self transcending. The wonder of subjectivity & the splendour of consciousness, embedded in the body & ever in dialogue with the world, if understood exhaustively, & interpreted with an inner openness, will certainly lead us to new meanings of the & the Divine.

    Other Religion Books

    BRAHMANISM:- Brahmanatva or the meaning of being a brahman: Nobody becomes a brahman merely by birth in a race or clan. He becomes a Brahman by virtue of his qualities, deeds, excellence of nature & dedication of his life to people’s welfare. The mantras included in this part give infoemation on God’s existence, His worship & the Brahman. Indram mitram varunamagnimaahuratho Divyaha sa suparno garutman Ekam sadvipraa bahudhaa vadanti Agni yamam matarishwanmahuhu (Rigved 1/164/46) Meaning: The various powers of the Supreme are themselves known as devatas but He is only one. Therefore, according to their qualities, deeds & nature worship that Supreme. Message:- The Supreme, the father of all is everywhere. The limitless authority of God or the Supereme is present in each & every particle of thisvast world, in the space, in the thousands of universes. He is the ruler, the director, the controller of this world. “Isha vasvamidam sarvam” – God’s presence is presence is there in everything, in the animate & the inanimate, in every pore of our bodies. He is with us all the time, whether we are awake or sleeping, within us, outside & around us. Just as air is filled in a balloon, it is outside the balloon & all around it too, but we cannot see it. Just as butter is present in every drop of milk, likewise God also is omnipresent. His authority is in every nook & corner of the world, in all living forms – from viruses, bacteria to worms, insects, birds, animals. For Him there is no distinction of cast of North, East, West. For Him everything is alike. KADACHANA STARIRASI NENDRA ASAHCHASI DAASHUSH. UPOPENNU MAGHVANA BHOOYA INNU TE DAANAM DEVASYA PRACHYATE (SAMVED 300) Meaning: God does not nullify any time & does not punish anyone who has not committed any wrong deed. An organization has been devised for giving the results of deeds – of this birth & other births – every human being. Message:- All types of activities in this world are ruled by God’s authority. Right from birth to death, all the events in man’s life are administered by the righteous & impartial God in accordance with the fruits of man’s deed’s. it is decided according to the deeds of previous births as to in which country a soul will be born, in which family, & how long & at what level the life has to be lived. Of two children born at the same time, one is born in a King’s family & the other is born in a dirty hovel, one is brilliant from birth & the other is stupid, one child is strong & the other is constantly sickly. One is long-lived which the other has a short life-span only. It is not that God has filled a person’s life with happiness & facility by being partial & has without reason thrown someone in the fire of sorrow & wretched living. All this takes place according to the principal of ‘karmaphal’ i.e. the results of one’s deeds ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’.
  • Devavanipravesika An Introduction to the Sanskritn Language (Robert P. Goldman Sall J. Sutherland Goldman)

    Other Religion Books

    The purpose, in writing this book, is to provide a self-contained primer, workbook and reader for teaching firstyear Sanskrit students with no previous linguistic training. The author has troed throughout the work to introduce, explain and illustrate the most significant features of the language and through verses, quotations, and readings. (MOTILAL. BANARIDASS)
  • Devi (The Devi Bhagavatam Retold) Ramesh Menon

    Other Religion Books

    ONCE MORE, THE MUNIS OF THE SIX ILLUSTRIOUS FAMILIES ARE GATHERED in the Naimisa vane, sacred forest sanctified for ancient revelations. In their midst sits Suta Romaharshana, peerless Pauranika, who has learnt his lore from Krishan Dwaipayana, the awesome Veda Vyasa himself. Saunaka, the eldest among the Munis says, “Profound Suts, we Brahmanas have come to your feet today in terror of the advent of the kali yuga. We have heard that listening to the holy Bhagavatam of the Devi can free us from samsara, this endless round of births and deaths. Master, we would hear the immortal Devi Bhagavatam from your lips.” Suta says, “Fortunate am I that the wise to hear the Purana from me. Brahmanas, I bow at the lotus feet of the Mother of the universe before I begin. AUM. Everyone knows that Brahma created the worlds. Yet Brahma is born in the lotus that sprouts from Visnu’s navel. Then again, Narayana rests upon his serpent Ananta, who lies upon ocean Ekarnava. We ask ourselves, from what primal source has this infinite sea come? And we turn for sanctuary to the source, the Mother of all things, the Devi.” Thus begins Suta Romaharshana, in his voice that is quiet as an ocean deep. He pauses, his eyes shut, his body still. After a moment, Saunaka murmusr, “My lord Suta, when we grew afraid of the looming kali yuga, we went to Brahma in his palace at the heart of a wondrous Brahma-vana. He plucked a mystic wheel from his mind and cast it down into the world. He said to us, ‘Munis, where this wheel falls, there remain, until the feral kali yuga ends and a blessed satya yuga dawns over the world again. The wheel will protect you, for the kali will not enter its confines.’
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