DIALOGUE WITH THE WORLD The Concept of Body according to Merleeau-Ponty & Ramanuja

Other Religion Books

GENERAL INTRODCTION:- The history of human thought is man’s journey into the large & latent layers of his manifold experiences. Man in his thematizations enters into his lived experiences & expresses them in several creative ways by means of systems of thought, creations of art aesthetics, myths, cults & culture. Man being the wonder of all wonders lived in his daily experiences. Philosophy begins when man starts becoming aware of himself as the wonder of wonders & the centre of creatoion. Every philosophy has to be a systematic & disciplineddiscourse on man’s daily lived experience. If experience is the decisive door to it. Human thought is similar to the swinging of a pendulum of a clock. As the swinging is a sine qua non condition for the working of the clock, so too, the shift of emphasis in philosophical thinking is necessary to keep hpilosophy & human thinking alive. Consequently, different dimensions of the some reality have been focussed on differently from time to time & from culture to culture. Our primary interest in this work is to seek for more light in the realms of incarnate consciousness & its inner dislogue that is a constitutive characteristic of both body-spirit & Brahman-cosmos. Our aim in this work is limited to tracing the interrelatedness between these realities both at the macrocosmic & microcosmic level, in the writings of the French philosopher, Maurice Merleau-ponty & the Indian thinker, Sri Ramanuja. The nature of incarnate consciouness & the consequent dialogue that takes place at the heart of the body as a subject, & its existential derivaives as developed both by Merleau-ponty & Ramanuja are the focus of this work. LIFE & WRITINGS OF MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY:- Merleau-Ponty occupied a key position in the pattern of the French philosophical scene & his contribution to philosophy has earned him an important place in the annals of French phenomenology & existentialism. The socio-cultural & religious atmosphere in which he lived, the political scene which he confronted & the philosophical world in which he found himself had indeed a great impact on the formation of his existential phenomenology.