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  • KARMA & REBIRTH (A Cross Cultural Study) by Gananath Obeyesekere

    Other Religion Books

    With Karma and Rebirth: A Cross Cultural Study on the very first comparison of rebirth concepts across a wide range of cultures. Exploring in rich detail the beliefs of smallscale indigenous societies of West Africa, Melanesia, and Noeth America, those of the ancient and modren Indic theories civilizations and with the Greek rebirth theories of Pythagoras, Empedocles, Pindar, and Plato. *************************************************(MOTILAL BANARSIDASS)

    Other Religion Books

    Introduction:- The papers in this volume were initially presented at a scholarly conference held at the University of Calgary on September 20-23, 1982. As the papers themselves demonstrate, there was throughout a keen awareness of the existence & importance of the ongoing project on karma & rebirth to be published by the University of California Press in four volumes. The numerous references to the first volume, Karma & Rebirth In Classical Indian Traditions, edited by Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty, underline the significance of this project. Like & the O’Flaherty volume, the papers in this volume are intended to be representative only, rather than exhaustive. Indeed, it would seem arrogant to suppose that one could ever treat such a vast subject exhaustively in a single volume. Also like the O’Flaherty volume, the papers are intended to be both descriptive & analytical. Of particular importance is the descriptive element. Karma & Rebirth as important religious concepts are, like religious traditions, changing & fluid concepts. It may be, as Professor Potter argues, that there is an identifiable & constant core of ideas associated with karma & rebirth from the classical period of Indian history to the present. At the same time, however, there is change & adaptation as these concepts move into the modern period & into countries other than India. Just as it is important to trace & understand changes & adaptations in religious traditions as such, so it is important to trace & to understand the changes & adaptations which have taken place in the understanding of the concepts of karma & rebirth. For the most part, the papers are intended to be descriptive of the understanding of karma & rebirth. In this respect, each section contains papers surveying major streams of thought & papers dealing with specific movements & figures. The three papers offered as critiques are intended as an analysis of the papers in the light of classical perceptions of karma & rebirth. In one important respect this volume differs from the University of California Press multi-volume series on karma & rebirth. This volume seeks to move beyond the Indian subcontinent, to look at the understanding of karma & rebirth not only in modern Indian, but also in Sri Lanka & Southeast Asia, Tibet, China, Japan, & finally the western world. This broader treatment is an attempt to underscore the fact that the subject of karma & rebirth has become more than simply an Indian, or even an Eastern subject. Indeed, karma & rebirth have become part of the religious history & therefore, the cultural fabric of the western world.
  • KARMA YOGA The Art of Working (by Shri Prabhuji)

    Other Religion Books

    This book is a commentary on Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita which is the chapter providing spir-irual on The Art Working. The message is as much for the modern age as it was for the past, both for the seeker of the meaning of life who commitments in the material world, and for the devotee who has renounced the world.
  • Knowing SANT KABIR LIFE & TEACHINGS (Prof Shrilkant Prasoon)

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    Kkabir is definitely one among the sages, saints, poets writers & thinkers who inner self & influenced the life of both the Hindus & Muslims. With the clarity in vision, simple & balanced philos-ophy, practical ideas for a healthy, happy & pleasant life,strong opposition to everything unworthy for human beings Sant Kabir became a legend & a common famillar name for poor & rich, literate & illiterate, & foolish, wise or enlightened during his life-time. The life of Kabir is both worldly & spiritual. He saw, felt, experienced, conjured up & boldly expressed all that happened around him

    Other Religion Books

    It is well known that the first presenter of Indian Culture in the West was Swami Vivekananda, who took the world by storm while appearing in the parliament of religions in Chaicago in 1983. He became a rage in america, delivering lecture and talks on various aspects of indian philosophy and culture. This included his exposition in quite some detail of the theory and practice of Rajayoga-or Yoga as papularly known -, which turned out to be a matter of great attraction to the enlightened section of Americans. He also translated the chief classic of Rajayoga, the Yoga sutra of Patangali, in simple english for the benefit of his students. The great start has during the course of time turned into an all consuming worldwide movement, benefiting everybody. The book collect all the material spoken or written by the veteran on the subject, illustrated with asanas to make it more useful, & as such it holds the most significant place in the growing pile of book on Yoga. It is authentic, complete & the pioneer work on the subject, which every Yoga enthusiast should read.
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