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    Other Religion Books

  • Meditation & Its Practices (by Swami Adiswarananda)

    Other Religion Books

    THE COMPLETES SOURCEBOOK FOR EXPLORING HINDUISM'S TWO MOST TIEM-HONOURED TRADITIONS OF MEDITATION Meditation is a necessity for the soul, a technique for withdeawing the mind so that the spirit can rest & rejuvenate. By practising meditation, we set in motion a process that leads to the restorati-on of our well-being__physical, mental, & spiritual. This comprehensive sourcebook examines the scientific, psychological, & spiritual properties of Yoga & Vedanta, Hinduism's two mainstream meditation practices, & explains how we can put th-ese teachings into practice to enrich our daily lives. Drawing on the sacred texts of Yoga & Veda-nta__including the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, & the Gospel of Ramakrishna, among many ot-hers__this guidebook illuminates the principles of each of these traditions, the meaning of meditat-ion, & the methods by which we can develop our concentration & self-control. By exploring the transformative powers of this ancient spiritual practice, this inspiring volune sho-ws us time-tested ways to refresh our souls & empower our phyiscal & apiritual selves with inn-ovative ways of meeting the challenges of modern life.
  • Meditation on Swami Vivekananda (By Swami Tathagatananda)

    Other Religion Books

    SWAMI VIVEKANANDA A Brief Introduction:-Narendranath Datta, who became a legendary figure in history as Swami Vivekananda. Was born in Calcutta on Monday, the 12th of January,1863. He was one of the greatest prophets the world has produced. He lived barely 40 years & died on July 4, 1902. Within this short span of life, he left a rich legacy of spectacular achievements in the religious & cultural history of the world. He was a man of versatile genius—a multi-faceted personality. In him we find the great heart of Lord Buddha, the penetrating intellect of Shri Shankara, the love of Shri Chaitanya, the burning renunciation of Lord Jesue Christ, & dynamism of St. Paul — all harmoniously blended in his magnificent personality. He was fearless in disseminating his message to mankind, regardless of caste, creed, colour, & nationality. A distinctive characteristic of Swami Vivekananda was the comprehensiveness of vision. He was remarkably universal to the very core of his luminous being. Behind his universal outlook was his great spiritual realization—apprehension of the Reality in & beyond appearances. This Reality, the Atman, is ever pure, immortal, & blissful. Atman is distinct from, yet immanent in the world of change & process. He realized the epochal truth ego, is the real source of strength & other human excellences. “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external & internal,” said Swami Vivekananda. Elaborating this point he said: “That is your own is hiding the reality beyond. Every good thought you think or act upon is simply tearing the veil, as it were, & the purity, infinity, the God behind manifests itself more & more.” As a spark of blazing fire—if fanned properly—has all the capacity of generating a huge conflagration, so the tiny human being by manifesting the divinity within, may become fully divine. The real well-being of man depends entirely upon the recognition of this vital point in human life. This faith in our innate divine nature is the essential prerequisite of any healthy scheme of life. Said Swamiji: “This infinite power of the spirit, brought to bear upon matter, evolves material development; made to act upon thought, evolves intellectuality, & made to act upon itself makes man a God . . . Be & make. Let this be our motto. Say not man is a sinner. Tell him that he is God.” His great mission was “to rouse in all people the awareness of the ever-present focus of human dignity the Atman, the Divine Spark, & to help them manifest that Glory in every movement of their life.” He was the Prophet of the” Gospel of Man-making.” He saw the divine Self in every person & looked upon the human form as the temple of God. This transcendental experience of the spiritual unity of life made him really universal. It is absolutely different in character from the so-called universalism based on humanism, as these idealists never recognized the spiritual dimension of life.
  • NEW LIVES (50 WESTERNERS SEARCH FOR THEMSELVES IN SACRED INDIA) Malcolm Tillis [Edited with an Introduction by Ram Alexander]

    Other Religion Books

    INTRODUTION THE FINAL INTERVIEW:- In the pages of this book we are taken on a profound pilgrimage of spiritual discovery. As we wander the length & breath of India with our guide, Malcolm Tillis, we join him in a search for others who, like himself, have forsaken their old lives in the West for totally new, dramatically more meaningful ones in the East. By seeing Indian spirituality through the eyes of outsiders who were not born into the ancient culture, but found tremendous personal meaning therein, we discover it new & fresh with each individual Malcolm interviews. Contemporary Indian readers should find this particularly relevant, as India becomes more “modern” and on par with the West, and as they find themselves increasingly in a similar position with regard to rediscovering their own heritage. All of the people we encounter here are form backgrounds of relative affluence. Some have had very successful careers; other, with their lives before them, possess accomplished educational credentials. What could have induced them to walk away from this & immerse themselves in a completely alien culture in such a seemingly impoverished land? The answer is very clear. In their different ways, they have each found an interior meaning & structure to their lives that is of enormous importance to them & which makes whatever worldly success & comfort they had previously enjoyed completely irrelevant in comparison. This is not merely something they have conveniently incorporated into their previous lifestyles to make them more balanced & successful. The cultivation of the dyanmic interiority that their initation into India’s diverse spiritual culture (via a teacher, study, or otherwise) has awakened in them has become their primary occupation & focus. Totally abandoning their previous identities & occupations, they have made great efforts to arrange their new lives in order to facilitate this. This a polar shifi in values that reconnects life with its fundamental spiritual meaning & purpose. Each of these individuals has discovered an enormous spiritual wealth in India that makes the material prosperity & tachnological “advancements” of the West seem obscenely & primitive in comparison. At the time Malcolm was pressing me for an interview, it was simply inconceivable for me to speak of the all-absorbing interior process that had become my life, especially to a relative stranger holding a microphone. Thus I tactfully kept postponing my interview while directing him to other prospective candidates. Undoubtedly many other in this book had similar reservations, but thank God they overcame them & have lift us with this remarkable record of their extraordinry lives. When Malcolm began this yatra (pilgrimage), he was in his midfifties & had living in India for the last years with his wife, the English novelist Kate Christie. They had come to India to be with their Guru & has prepared many Master’s talks & writings for publication. When their Teacher passed away in 1974, they stayed on, eventually settling on a Himalayan mountain top above the old British hill staion of Landour (near Mussoorie). From their dramatically situated house, in which I later became a frequent visitor, one enjoyed breath-taking panoramic views of the Himalayan snow peaks. Only a powerful inner call could have induced Malcolm to forsake his comfortable mountain retreat for the discomfort & redical uncertainty that the months of wandering throughout the dusty teeming plains of India, required to produce this work, would entail. Clearly he seems to have had some special guidance in this leap into unknown which becomes evermore clear to him (and the reader) as he proceeds. Before coming to India Malcolm had led a highly creative life, first as a classical musician (about which he weote his first book), and then as a fashion designer & boutique owner in Spain (on the island of Ibiza) — a career that Generalissimo Franco (the dictator ruling Spain at the time) helped him to renounce as the result of an inflammatory anti-Fascist article he had written. He & Kate were forced to make a speedy exit, abandoning most of their possessions, to the island of Malta where their spiritual destiny soon began to unfold. Anandamayee Ma, India’s most widely known woman saint, has attracted of foreign followers. Her name means “Bliss-intoxicated Mother”; indeed she is said to have been in an unbroken state of divine consciousness since childhood. Her physical beauty in itself has been extraordinary, & although she is now in her middle eighties, much of that beauty remains. Her spiritual magnetism is unchanged. She now rarely sings her bhsjans, and never gives formal discourses. It is enough to be in her physical presence & have her visage—her darshan. She has never been abroad but still travels continuously all over India visiting her many ashrams. The day I arrived in her Kankhal ashram in the holy Himalayan town of Hardwar, the arrangements for me to interview several foreigners who were permanent residents there were wiped out: she decided to give a four-hour darshan, something she had not done for years. No devotee is going to get up & walk away from his guru to be interviewed by a stranger—the overwhelming desire is just to sit there & absorb. I, too sat and absorbed: there was nothing else for me to do. Perhaps I absorbed too much of her charged radiation becouse after Ma retired to her room & we were free to disperse, there was in fact a sort of repulsion at the thought of carrying out my plan to go from ashram to ashram, from devotee to devotee asking silly questions. I wanted to leave, to retuen to my own mountain home nearby, but before I could, we were being introduced, Vijayananda & I, and I see that he is a gentle, elderly Frenchman who speaks softly, rather confidentially, and everything he says is punctuated by much quiet laughter. Even when you’ve absorbed too much & want to escape you have to reapond…
  • NEW LIVES (50 Weacred Indiasterners Search for Themselves in S)

    Other Religion Books

    In the pages of book we are taken on a profound pilgrimage of spiritual discovery. We wander the length and breadth of India in search of Westerners who have forsaken their old lives in the West for totally new, dramatically more meaningful ones in the East. By seeing Indian spirituality throgh the eyes of outsiders who were not born into the ancient culture, but found tremendous personal meaning therein we discover it new and fresh with each individual Tillis interviews.
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