Nine Principal Upanishads From the teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Munger, Bihar)

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Prashnopanishad :- In this Upanishad, isx seekers after Truth come to Rishi Pippalada, & each one aske him a question. The answers are very clear & carefully, & range from the gross to the subtlest principles of life. The first question concerns the origin of living beings. It is explained how the Lord, the Creator, created prana, the sun (energy) & rayi, the moon (matter). Without the sun, there is no time, no seasons, no day or night, no life & no creation. Without the moon, there is no food to sustain life. Matter, energy, food, etc. are related & have a common link. The second question relates to the deities who are the helpers of living beings, who are manifest in the senses & who are the substance of the body. These represent the five gross elements, the organs of knowledge the five organs of action. Prana is the chife among them. Whatever is within or beyoud this world is controlled by prana. Here the powers, glory & grandeur of prana are acclaimed. FIRST QUESTION:- Om Sukeshaa Cha Bhaaradvaajah Shaibyashcha Satyaraamah Sauryaayanee Cha Gaargyah Kausalyashchaashvalaayano Bhaargavo Vaidarbhih Kabandhee Kaatyaayanaste Haite Brahmanishthaah Param Brahmaanveshmaanaa Esha Ha Vai Tatsarvam Varshyateeti Te Ha Samitpaanayo Bhagavantam Pippalaadmupasannaah. (1) Sukesha, the son of Bharadvaja, Satyakama, the son of Sibi, Gargya, the grandson of Surya, Kausalya, the son of Ashvala, Bharadvaja, the son of Vidarbhi, & Kabandhi, the son of Katya, all bore great love for Bhahman & had pledged themselves to him. Intent on discovering the Supreme Brahman, they went to the saintly Pippalada in the hope that he would enlighten them, & they took with them sacrificial fuel (samit) as an offering. Aadityo Ha vai Praano Rayireua Chandramaa Rayiruaa Etat Saruam Yanmoortam Chaamoortam Cha Tasmaanmoortireua Rayih. The sun is prana (life) & the moon is food (matter). All that which possesses form (like earth, water & fire) or lacks form (like air & ether) is food, all form is rayi, food, indeed.