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  • FINDING THE JPY WITHIN YOU---Personal Counsel for God - Centered Living (SRI SRI DAYA MATA)


    Sri Sri Daya Mata is the foremost living disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. A true ''Mother of Compassion,'' as her name signifies, she has inspired thosen of faiths and from all walks of life with the wisdom and great love of God conveyed through her talks, writngs, and recordings. Referring to her first volume of spirital counsel, Only Love, the former Ambassador of India to the United States, N. A. Palkhivala, wrote: Sri Daya Mata personifier love and compassion and the other timeless values of Indian culture....Her speeches are not dry academic dissertations on abstact theological principles, but intensely personal hymns teatifying to her ecstatic vision of the Creator.
  • God Talks With Arjuna - THE BHAGAVAD GITA (Sri Sri Paramahnsa Yogananda)


    Royal Science of God-Realization The immortal dialogue betweensoul and Spirit A new translation and commentary (Sri Sri Paramahnsa Yogananda)
    Rs-357/= (for set of 1&2)
  • Inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda -GOD IS FOR EVERYONE


    A Ground - Breaking Approach to Religion for the Agnostic & Believer Alike
  • Inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda GOD IS FOR EVERYONE (as taught to and understood by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda)


    This book has been written to demonstrate that religion is a pragmatic for everyone : that God is deeply relevant to every life, and is by no means the side issue so many people try to make Him. If we accept that He exists, it surely goes without saying that He cannot be some minor or merely local deity.
  • Kriya—yoga :-The Science of Life-force Swmi Nityananda Giri


    Introduction:-In present day society the word yoga is very familiar. But do we actually understand what yoga means? As pronunciation of the word has been converted from yoga to yoga, our understanding has also changed & undergone a series of involution. Peopple’s understanding resembles that of blind men’s description of an elephant according to their limited perception. Similarly, some understand yoga as a set of physical exercises to keep the body fit; some understand it as a series of breathing techniques for good health, release of tension & practices for concentration. Some understand it as a set of physical & breathing exercises for managent of diseases & use yoga as a therapy, some use it for longevity. For some it is a concentration technique to improve mental power, release tension & increase work efficiency & for those of high understanding this is used to enhance discriminating intelligence. All these are useful, ethical & laudable but these are only parts or by-products of yoga. Yoga is our real life, it is our life to reveal the light we are. In order to understand yoga we have to understand our own life & our own body, both physical & subtle, that which conceals the real “Being” within us. Unfortunately we have an unclear understanding of our life. Yoga: I will try to give you a simple idea although real understanding will come only through long & uninterrupted prectice. Yoga means “to join,” this is union with our own orihin. In fact, we are never separated from our source but we have forgotten our true identify ourselves with our physical body, our mind, our intellect & ouer ego. Speaking in broad terms, we can say that we are in our mind, citta, meaning that we are with the actions of our mind. This situation leads to duality/ plurality & is the reason why we need to unite with oue true Self. Then the state of unity our true Self is the transcendtal state, samadhi or kaivalya. And that is done when the actions of our mind are halted or when we reach a state beyond thoughts. Rsi Patanjali calls this cittavrttinirodhah (Ygs,1.2).
    Rs 995/=
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