Fearless Living Yoga & Faith (by Swami Rama)

Swami Rama

240/= U.S.A.$ 12.95
Can We Truly Faith in Something More? For os many of us today, trusting in a higher power isn't easy. We read aboutmiracles that happe-ned many years ago, but today most of the miracles we hear about are produced by science; mir-aculous new cures, new technologies, & new breakthroughs. And scientists seen united in insist-ing there is on higher power, on ultimate meaning in life, but the random reshuffing of DNA & atoms. This book, a collection of anecdotes from the astonishing life of the late Swami Rama, helps us un-derstnad that there is a way to move beyond mere faith & into the realm of personal revation. Thr-ough the spiritual practice of meditation & yoga we can aspire to enter the world of spirit ourselves. Swami Rama became an ambassador fom the great souls who still live isolated in Himalayan cav-es & forests, & yet irradiate the entire world withtheir luminous blessing power. These elders of our race invite us to learn to live without fear- to trust in a higher power, a divine purpose, & the ceaseless flow of grace that pours from the very heart of the universe.