Ma Anandamayee The Divine Mother Showers Grace On Us (By Prasanna Madhava)

Maa Anandmayi's English Books

THE FIRST DARSHAN & GRADUAL PULL TOWARDS Ma soon after that, a colleague told me that Ma was in Delhi & took me to the ashram in Kalkaji to have Her darshan. When I reached the ashram, I saw Ma. She was wearing pure white clothes, sitting on the ground on a cot, wuth many ladies around Her who were sitting on the ground. Aconversation was going on in Hindi/Bengali, which I did not understand, In a large circular hall, a number of men were doing namsankirtan (congregational singing of God’s name) & going round a built up frame on which the pictures of gods & Ma were arranged. I did my pranam to Ma but predominant question in my mind was how I would ever fit into kind of atmosphere with my Air Force backgeound & the kind of life I was leading at that time. So I did not make any attempt to get closer to Ma.