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Baba however, kept his divinity concealed. The villages of Akbarpur & Neem Karori in Utter Pradesh were the fields of his lila foe more than half a century. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of his native Akbarpur were not aware that their own Laxmi Narain Sharma was known elsewhere as Baba Neem Karori or Baba Lakshman Das. Nor did the residents of Neem Karori know that the baba who became famous all over the world by the name of their village was none other than their own Baba Lakshman Das. Sometimes Baba would be smiling at jokes & those around him would be laughing. In an instant he would change the mood & people would start weeping. At times a few lines from the Ramayana (the epic depicting Lord Ram’s incarnation on earth), a recollection of Christ, or even an ordinary conversation would touch his heart, & his own tears flow profusely. Even his picture was seen to shed tears when someone wept before it. Baba led such a simple life that there was nothing one could give him. He did not accept money from foreigners & discouraged others from doing so, but he would honour & accept humble offerings from the poor. He had a natural affinity for the destitute & disadvantaged & would walk into their homes uninvited & ask for food. He often said, “Everyone is poor before God.” At the same time Baba encouraged charity, generosity, & sacrifice & exhorted the rich to spend money on the construction of temples & ashrams, on bhandaras (public feedings), and for the welfare of others. On occasion he would put a devotee of the trst by asking them for something that were very attached to or felt unable to part with. This again was his lila. He told people that generosity was a result of good deeds performed in a previous birth & said, “To give or sacrifice for another at the cast of hardship to yourself is very difficult. Such acts can only be performed because of sanskaras [predispositions or positive tendencies] of previous births.” Baba was continuously uttering “Ram, Ram” or sometime “Radha, Radha” (names of God). Even while talking, he could be seen moving his thumb continuously around his finger, as if repeating a mantra. At times he became so engrossed that he appeared to be lost in himself. His devotion was sublime. He often said, “Ram’s form left this world, Krishna’s form left this world, but the name stays. By reciting his name everything is achieved,” & shaking his head, he reiterated, “Everything is achieved.” BABA’S DURBAR:- Lovingly addressed as Maharaji, Baba was a master of the spiritual world. Some compared the gathering of devotees around him to the court of a king surrounded by his courtiers. Unlike a king’s court, however, no one held a position in Baba’s durbar (court) nor did it have a set venue, time, or duration. Everyone could sit wherever they liked, & there was no obligation for visitors to bow to Maharaj. The durbar would assemble anyewhere—in the ashram, by the side of a road, under a tree in the forest, or in the house of a devotee. It was always open to everyone. One of the remarkable of Baba’a durbar was that although it assembled & dispersed, its continuity was maintained. One durbar would end, but another would assemble in on time, wherever Baba went. His great love for people & their love for him assured an unbroken sequence of visitors THE NECTAR OF DIVINE LILA:- OMNISCIENCE*** Mahraj ji’s appearance had a childlike innocence. He welcomed people openly, & they in turn talked freely with him. If someone requested Baba to speak, he would feign ignorance & say he didn’t know anything; he directed his words to individuals rather than groups. Likewise, displays of knowledge or oratory did not impress Baba, who said that even the children in India were proficient at this. He called lectures or sermons the gymnastics of words & said, Whatever we experience & learn through the mind & the senses is not the truth.” Baba’s knowledge, like the great prophets, Christ, Kabir, Ramakrishna, Mohammed, & St. Peter, encompassed universal truths far deeper than academic knowledge. Living in a simple manner among people, Baba taught by his own conduct & caused an awakening in them. The past, present, & future were all within Baba’s vision, but it was only through his lila that one could catch a glimpse of his vastness. As described in the accounts that follow, Maharaj would see into the minds & hearts of people, & reading their innermost thoughts, use his power to relieve suffering, inspire faith, & fulfil desires.