Mahamuni Babaji’s the ORIGINAL KRIYA (By Swami Satyeswarananda Vidyaratna Maharaj)


The First Meeting with Mahamuni Babaji:- On October 18, 1974, an extraordinary & miraculous event was witnessed by Vidyaratna Babaji. He was in charge of the Fire of the worship. His friend was sleeping on the floor in the hut. Baba closed the door & locked it. At about 1:20 A.m., he suddenly saw a tall yogi appear. He was standing inside, near the door, that being the only place where a tall man like him could stand because the rest of the hut was covered with an internal ceiling that was used to store firewood. At first, Baba observed this divine Yogi without saying anything. He was clearly visible in the light cast by the flame of the Fire. His body was well-built & strong; he had long hair & a beard. His eyes were dark, tranquil & piercing. He had an amazing likeness to Lahiri Mahasay, the Indian yogi commonly called “The Polestar of Kriya.” The Kriya Sutras***The Doctrine: Tattvam—Ata Atma jignasa.1 Spiritual Interpretation (S.I.): One can deny everything, the world, the scripture, even the existence of God. But one cannot deny one thing, & that is his own existence, the self, Atma. If for argument’s sake, one denies oneself, the denier exists. Likewise, if one doubts everything, even the very existtence of God, one cannot doubts his own existence, the doubter exists. So to deny or to doubt the existence of one he uses the first denial, or doubt. If that skeptic again egoistcally makes an attempt to deny his first denial & doubt, he requires a second denial & doubt ad infinitum. Thus, he fails to deny his own existence. Therefore, it is very clear that ultimately Self exists, & this is the whole Truth. We see the existence of God can be doubted by the non-believer; similarly, the existence of all other religious & Brahma of the Vedas can be doubted by the skeptics. Thus, the word Brahma fails to represent the whole Truth as does the word “God.” The Goal: Laksham:---L.T:- Now the question of Liberation. S.I.: In the ordinary conrse of life, in the practical field, man sees changes in nature. Gradually, he understands the changes, & by inference he understnds the creation & his to it. He feels that he is utterly helpless in the hands of nature which acts through three gunas, or qualities. So he tries to overcome this influence of nature, or prakriti, which deludes him of the real nature of things. To overcome this influence of nature, or bondage of darkness, is Liberation. L.T.:---Libberation is to live in the nature of Purusa, or Self. S.I.:-- Libration is to overcome completely this influence of nature, or Prakriti ; when the darkness, Maya, is removed, the realized, & it is known that the eternal Self is free from this influence of nature & that Self is all blissful. THE Discipline: Sadhanam---- Tapa swadhyaya Atma pranidanani Kriyayogaha. L.T.: patience, self-study & self-surrender are called Kriyayoga. S.T.: What is discussed in the previous chaieve. So a practical method, or definite discipline, is required for this. Kriya yoga is a holy discipline having some specific, scientific Kiryas to practice.to practice.