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THE ULTIMATE PATH:- SIT not with a disputer about fate nor begin a conversation with him” was the wise admoni- shment of the practically minded Prophet Muhammed, who thus dismissed the question at a single stroke & doubtless saved much time & endless speech for his trusting followers. Certainly someone like Fate, who had not seldom befriended me in the past when I invited her attention by determined effort, now appeared & took a sudden hand in this celestial game. THE RELIGIOUS & MYSTIC GRADES:- SOME age-old queries have persistently confronted mankind. Is life simply a tremendous yet pathetically tragic joke played on mankind by its Creator? Has this vast panorama of glowing stars set in tremendous space a meaning or not? Are we but biological accidents parading uselessly through time? Is man but a guttering candle that throws its little pool of light amid the shadows for a few minutes & then vanishes for evermore? THE HIDDEN PHILOSOPHY OF INDIA:-- THE readers who come with a kindly attitude to these chapters do not come with a prepared one. It is to be feared that some propositions must have startled them & others must have alarmed them. But the teachings which are yet to be set down will come as a surprise to those who have relished the writer’s narratives of yogic adventure or accounts of mystic experience. Let them bear patiently, however, for in the end they will find that all the real gold in religion & mysticism will not be lost & that full assay value will be returned for their patience. All that is admirable in religion & well serves toiling mankind shall here be well respected too; all that makes mvsticism a boon to struggling individuals shall receivethe favourable evaluation it merits. Our scales are just. Nevertheless they cannot deceived. They will not accept the the spurious along with the genuine or the fictitionus with the factual. Nor will they permit detrimental to crowd into their pans under the shelter of the beneficial. (PILGRIMS PUBLISHING VARANSI)