TA THE ELEVENTH HOUR (ByPandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.)

Swami Rama

475/= U.S.A $ 18.95
on the surface, this book is a biography of a great sage of the Himalayas who mastered the West a syste for understanding the mysteries of body, mind, & spirit. But like the life of Swami Rama, these pages go much deepre than a mere sequence of astonishi-ng events. Through stories of the authentic & furitful guru-disciple relationships Swami Rama had with both his mysterions master Bengali Baba & his own students, youwill see how the prceious stream of spiritual tradition is transmitrd through the generations. These pages also serve as a guide to the more esoteric & advanced practices of yoga & tantra not commonly taught or underst-ood in the West. And they bring you to holy places in India, revealing why these sacred sites are important & how to go about visiting them.