Dialogue with the World (The Concept of Body according to Merleau-Ponty & Ramanuja) by Wilson Edattukaran

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ANTECEDENTS TO THE EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENOLOGY OF MERLENU-PONTY :- The inquiry into the intentionality of consciousness is regarded as the zenith of Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen and his phenomenological analysis of consciousness. Though Husserl is indebted to Brentano for the concept of intentionality, Husserl’s own development of it was original.”… The word intentionality signifies nothing else than this universal fundamental property of consciousness: to be consciousness of something.” While speaking about intentionality, Husserl is not concerned with the objects to the consciousness; rather, it signifies, the directedness of the consciousness to the objects. Again, the mere fact that consciousness is ‘directed towards’ does not require that there exist things-objects, external world etc. again only with Husserl do we find the use of the term ‘intentions’ to signify the act of the consciousness which is directed and ‘intentional objects’, that is, objects towards which the consciousness is directed. Thus, for Husserl, phenomenology is “the study of the essential structures of the acts and contents of consciousness, a study to be based not on mere empirical generalization but on the intuitive grasping of the essences of the phenomena, the ‘Sachen’.