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What becomes of the soul after death?” is an eternal quest of man since time immemorial. Soul is immortal. Life on earth is a halting place on the way to the achievement of the goal of Life, God realization. Death is not the end of life but is a process of changing the instrument of experience. Birth is inevitably followed by death & death by rebirth. Life is a long chain, of which, recurring births, planery lives & deaths are the links. Science about departed Souls & their planes of living is a subject of absorbing interest. The other side of the death is scientifically examined & carefully described in this book of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. It also gives an insight into different beliefs of various races & religions. The significance of different practices & customs in connection with the dead along with the beneficial effects of such oblations is explained in detail in the following chapters. Presentation of some of the rebirth cases along with a question & answer section makes an interesting reading. A careful study of the book will remove the veil of ignorance & the knowledge will make one free from horrors of death. INTRODUCTION:- Paraloka-Vidya or the science about the departed souls & their planes of living is a subject of absorbing interest. It is a Mysterious Science which contains many secrets or hidden wonders. It has intimate connection with Panchagni-Vidya or the science or transmigration propounded in the Chhandogya Upanishad. The doctrine of reincarnation or metempsychosis, transmigration of the soul & spiritualism come under the Paraloka-Vidya. Everybody is curious & anxious to know this science. Great scientists, the inventors of many marvelous things, mighty Emperors who have done stupendous works, inspired poets, wonderful artists, many Brahmins, Rishis, Yogins have came & gone. You are all extremely anxious to know what has become to them. Do they still exist? What is there at the other side of death? Have they become non-existent or have they dwindled into an airy nothing? Have they become non-existent or have they dwindled into an airy nothing? Such questions do arise spontaneously in the hearts of all. The same question arises today as it arose thousands of years ago. No one can stop it, because it is inseparably connected with our nature.
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