Maa Anandmayi's book collection
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This book contains unusual aspects of Krishnamurti’s teaching. The first section explores the reasons why mankind has lived for thousands of years in chaos & misery. The first section explores the reasons why mankind has lived for thousands of years in chaos & misery. The discussions, with well-known physicist David Bohm & psychiatrist David Shainberg. Bring to light, as the chief cause, the fragmentation of the mind that is deeply conditioned. The second section of Krishnamurti’s public talks, where he points out mind is almost unceasingly occupied with thinking so that it has lost touch with its original unconditioned freedom. The third section is concerned with answering the question: How is it possible to ascertain whether Krishanmurti’s teachings are true—whether he is talking out of the ‘silence of truth’ or out of the ‘noise of illusion’? KRISHNAMURTI: Can we talk about the wholeness of life? Can one be aware of that wholeness if the fragmented? You can’t be aware of the whole if you are only looking through a small hole. Dr Ssainberg: Right. But on the other hand in actuality you are the whole.
That Benediction is where you are consists of the last series of four public talks that Krishnamurti gave in Bombay, in February 1985 . the talks are remarkable for the unusual perspectives and nuances that Krishnamurti offers on the psuchological issues he deals with.
These discussions between agreat religions teacher and a leading physicist ask the question : Has humanity taken a weong turn which has brought about endless divsion, conflict and destruction?' J. Krisnamurti suggests that the wrong turn lies in our inability to face what we actually are and our need to impose instead an illusry goal of what we must become.
This book falls into parts- Krishnamurti's reflections on life, &answers to questions put to him by his audiences. It covers a wide range of themes, from boredom & gossip to self-knowledge & God, & thus provides a good starting point for those wishing to familiarze themselves with Krishnamurti's teachings.
“What of the boy Krishna?” :- The most remarkable thing about Krishnamurti’s life was that the prophecies made about him in his youth were fulfilled, yet in a very different way from what had been expected. For an understanding of his development it is essential to have at least a slight knowledge of the Theosophical mysticism that nurtured him. The Theosophical Society, whose object was ‘to form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity’, was founded in America in 1875 by that extraordinary Russian mystic, clairvoyamte & miracle worker, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, & Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, a veteran of the American Civil War who was deeply interested in spiritualism & also calimed clairvoyance. This odd couple, who remained close ‘chums’, as Olcott put it, for the rest of their lives, adopted as their occult creed so many of the ancient traditions of the East that, in 1882, they moved their headquarters to a large compound at Adyar, a suburdb south of Madras, a most beautiful spot where the Adyar river joins the Bay of Bengal, with one of the largest banyan trees in India & a mile of river frontage stretching to an empty, sandy beach. There the International Headqarters of the Society has remained ever since, with more houses built & more land acquired, & from there the movement soon spread all over the world.
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