Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Swami Rama
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Meditation can give you that which notbing else can give you It introduces you to yourself.
180/= US $12.95
THE SUN, THE MOON, THE STARS, and all the lights that you can imagine in the entire external world are but fragments of that one great Light that is within you. It is the light of knowledge, the light of discrimination, the light of understanding, the light of life, the light of sharing and love, the light of Being that you are. Thou art that.'' The light within is like a ripple in the vast ocean of bliss-that which we call Brahman, the Absolute, Infinity, the Highest.
Here, for the first time, Sri Swami Rama shares remarkable and practical information on the adva-nced practices of yoga. A science complete in inself, yoga deals with body, breath, mind, and spirit-the ''path of light.'' This path is described in strsightforward language which guides you...step-by-step, systematically and surely, from one level of awareness and consciousness to the next. The ultimate Self-realization through meditation practies.
The Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita ''deals with analyzing & training the internal processes of the human being so that one becomes creative in the extenal world & attains a state of tranquility at the same time...The outside world can be mastered only when the inner potentials are systematicall explored & organized''
350/= & US $ 16.95
Today, we have access to every conceivable king of knowledge about the world around us, yet few of us have even the dimmest knowledge of our innermost selves. Swami Rama-one of the most influenial yogis to visit the Western world in the twentieth century-was raised in the cave monasteries of the Himalayas, where the centural tenet of education was to first know one's own inner being.
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