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The firet volume of the Babaji book has a twofold. First, to elucidate those principles & practices that assist the seeker of Truth toward a rapid & orderly spiritual awareness. Second, to expplain, at least to some small degree, the universal character of Mahamuni Babaji & his dynamic influence on this planet & its inhabitants. As this section of the book unfolds, it will become apparent that Babaji, while offering Kriya as a means for spiritual progress, is in no way confined to this singular discipline. He is beyond all dis- ciplines. This volume is divided into three parts corresponding respectively to the three states of understa- nding inner Realization. these states are as follows: ***************************************************** (1.) Sravan, ''listening''************(2.) Manan, ''analyzing'' & ********(3.) Nidndhasan, ''surrendering.''
Mahamuni Babaji, the Divine Himalayan Yogi revealed these Kriya Sutras through the author at Dunagiri Hill. Himalayas, for the benefit of the world. As Brahma can be doubted, the ultimate question would be truly Atma Jigasa, ''the quest for Self-knowledge'' & not Brahma Jigasa, the quest for Brahma, as a traditioal Vedantist would say.
Rs 450/=U.S.A. $40.00
How the Kriya Sutras were Received :- On October 2, 1974 about 8 A.M., Swami Satyeswarananda Giri Babji Maharaj (Vidyaratna Babaji the author) was sitting in Dhyanmudra (meditative mood, in the transcendental region between the two worlds: the mind (the quality of the self) & the Self itself on his Asana as usual in his Kutia (known as “RamBaba Kutia”) the hut at Dunagiri Hill, Himalayas (altitude, 7950 feet) which is the secret [Gupta] Vaisnabi Sakti Pith, the seat of Energy of the consort of Lord Visnu. He had been observing silence day & night [akhanda Mauna] for an indefinite period for a long time. On that day of October 2, 1974, some Sanskrit verses (with inner Light & inner Sound) & thoughts were as if pouring inti his from Above. He was surprised to see how verses & thoughts mood (Dhyanmudra) & came out of the hut & started waling to the front of the temple of the Divine Mother (Vaisnabi Mata). His only consideration was to extirpate the intrusive verses (sutras) of Consciousness beyoud all thoughts, including even divine thoughts. The Mysterious Man Appears:- Aftre some days, Baba was in his bed in Dhyanmudra (meditative mood). A man (M) speaking near the only window of the hut said to Baba (B): M: Baba, wake up ! B:Well ! Baba is already sitting here. M: I have a message for you from Mahamuni Babaji. Having listened, Baba slowly opened the small window & saw a man standingnclose by. M: Well ! I was asked by Mahamuni Babaji to tell you, “Wake up & follow me.” The man bent his head (possibly out of conrtesy so that Baba could see his face.) baba saw his face, & noted that h e looked like the Lord Jesus. B: Anything more? M: I approached Mahamuni Babaji for the needs of the West; he told me to inform you of this message: “Wake up & follow me.”
''Self-realization is the Knowing- in body.&soul- that we are one with the omnipresence, of GOD : that we do not have to pray that it come to we , that we are not merzly near it at all times, that but God's omnipresnce is our omnipresence; that we are just as much, A paet of Him now as we ever will be, All we have to do is improve our knowing''.
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