Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Shree Aurbindo
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The Kena Upanishad is concernd ''with the relaion of mind-consciousness to Brahman-consciousness,'' writes Sri Aurobindo in his commentary on this work.
The Kena Upanishad is concerned ''wth the relation of mind-consciousness to Brahman-consciousness,'' writes Sri Aurobindo in his commentary on this work. ''The material world and the physical life exist for us only by virtue of our internal self and our intenal life According as our mental instruments represent to us the external world, according as our vital force in obedience to the mind deals with its impacts and objects, so willbe our outward life and exisence''.
Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga The ''Yoga of works'' translated from the Sanskrit Karma Yoga, is essentially the harnessing of the vital creative energies of man and directing those energies towards the spiritual fulfment. Life is the field of yoga, and activity is on longer a hindrance, but rather, the method of the yoga.(NEW AGE BOOKS)
Thus there emerged in my mind , revealing itself as it were out of the ancient verses, aVeda which was throughout the Scripture of a great & antique religion already equipped with a profouned psychological discipline,-a
WHAT we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up whole formation of our past & mental man & to create a new centre of vision & a new universe of acivities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature… Mind has to cease to be mind & become brilliant with something beyond it. Life has to change into a thing vast & calm & intense & powerful that can no longer recognise its old blind eager narrow self of petty impulse & desire. Even the body has to submit to a mutation & be no longer the clamorous animal or the impeding clod it now is, but become instead a conscious servant & radiant instrument & living form of the spirit. LIFE & YOGA:- THERE are two necessities of Nature’s workings which seem always to intervene in the greater forms of human activity, whether these belong to our ordinary fields of movement or seek those exceptional spheres & fulfilments which appear to us high & divine. Every such form tends towards a harmonised complexity & totality which again breaks apart into various channels of special effort & tendency, only to unite once more in a larger & more puissant synthesis. Secondly, development into forms is an imperative rule of effective manifestation; yet all truth & practice too strictly formulated becomes old & loses much, if not all, of its virtue; it must be constantly renovated by fresh streams of the revivifying the dead or dying vehicle & changing it, if it is to acquire a new life. To be perpetually reborn is the condition of a material immortality. We are in an age, full of the throes of travail, when all forms of thought & activity that have in themselves any strong power of utility or any secret virtue of persistence are being subjected to a supreme test & given their opportunity of rebirth. The world today presents the aspesente of a huge cauldron of Medea in which all things are cast, shredded into pieces, experimented on, combined & recombined either to perish & provide the scattered material of new forms or to emerge rejuvenated & changed for a fresh term of existence. Indian Yoga, in its essence a special action or formulation of certain great power of Nature, itself specialised, divieded & variously fromulated, is potentially one of these dynaments of the future life of humanity. The child of immemorial ages, preserved by its vitality & truth into our modern times, it is now emerging from the secret schools & ascetic retreats in which it had taken refuge & is seeking its place in the future sum of living human powers & utilities. But it has first to rediscover itself, bring to the surface the profoundest reason of its being in that general truth & that unceasing aim of Nature which it represents, & find by virtue of this new self-apprciation its own recovered & larget synthesis.
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