Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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Looking at Her I lelt that she is not a body, but just light. She seemed to see through me with all shortcomings. All night I prayed to Her: Take possession fo me completely, don't let a particle of me remain. Death Must Die gives an intimate first-hand account of a courageous woman's spiritual quest in close association with several of India's greatest modern saints. Unfolding against the back-drop of Banaras in the 1940s, where she lived as a teaching and musician, we are given an in-depth picture of her intense relationship with the extraordinary woman who becomes her guru- Sri Anandamayee Ma.
Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), “tha Mother imbued with bliss”, as she called by her followers, was one of the most significant Indina saints & one of the very few woman-Gurus of our times. Melita Maschmann, a journalist by profession, meets her by sheer coincidence & travels with her thr-oughout India for several months. This book was first published in 1967 under the title “Der Tiger singt Kirtana” (A Tiger sings a Kirtana). It was revised & enlarged & was published in 1990 under the title “Eine ganz gewohnliche Heilige” (A very ordinary saint). It was also published in paperback edition in 1992. The book gives a lively account of Anandamayi Ma’s life & work, of a saint whose both feet were firmly on the ground & who inspired not only people of all faiths but could also give something to someone what one wanted-whether a believer or atheist, an artist or a scholer, a politician or a hous-wife, a writer or a simple farmer. But this book is not onle an account of Ma. It is a fascinating account of Melita Maschmann’s encoun-ter with the Divine India (for she met only religious people), her trials & tribulations, her joya & sorrows in the constant company of Ms. Melita meandered her way through questions & more quest-ions, doubts & more doubts in her search for the ultimate truth. On her way, she met luminaries like Mother Teresa, who was worried because she was not a saint, Raihana Tyabji, a geand old lady who was an associate of Mahatma Gandhi, a Tantra-Lama & many others to realize finally, like Hermann Hesse’s “ Siddhartha” that she had to look into herself to get ultimate answer.
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