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5.Is Yoga a philosophy? No. it is not, in the sense of being a hypothesis. Instead it embodies mostly a practicle do it yourself of instruction. 6.Is Yoga metaphysical? No, it does not bother about distant question about pst lives,heaven and hell or God or Satan.Yoga is concerned with the present.With the’NOW’, with the current problem caused by ignorence, called mind.It gives practical ways to avoid mental modification so the perception become clear,so that one obtains freedom from bonding duality. 7.What is Patanjali Yoga about? Patangali’s Yoga is ecentially related to the mind and its modification. It deals with the training of the mind to achieve oneness with the Self.Incidental to this objective are the acquisition of siddhis or powers. 8.What is the aim of patangali Yoga? The aim of patanjali yoga is to set man free from the cage of matter, thus removing his ignorance. Mind is the highest form of matter and man free from his dragnet of Chitta or Ahankara (mind or ego) becomes a pure being. The mind or Chitta is said to operate at two levels; intellectual & emotional. The aim is liberation. In point of virulence, sensuous objects are more fatal than the poison of the black snake; poison kills one who imbibes it, but sensuous objects can kill (spiritually) even by their outward appearance, by the mere sight of them. Adi Shankara, Upadesa Sahashri. That which is like poison in the beginning, but is like nectar in the end, is declared to be ‘good’ pleasure born from the serenity of one’s own mind. That which is like nectar in the beginning from the connection of the sense-object with the senses, but is as poison in the end, is held to be of ‘passion’. (Bhagavadgita) He who is awake while in deep sleep, for whom there is no waking & for whom the perception is free from past mental impressions, that is, perception is free from knowledge derived from memory; is said to be liberated while living. (Yogavashishta) Though Himself beyond Gunas, the Supreme Being has His inherent powers constituted by three Gunas of sattva, rajas & tamas, caoable of subsisting the dual condition of cause & effect. By virtue of this power, the Lord projects all that is seen in the universe. (Bhagavata)