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This book is a compilation form the various published works of the Holy Mastrr Sir Swami Sivananda, including some of his earliest works axteending au far back as the late nineteen thirties.
This book is a compilation from the various published works of the Holy Master Sri Swami Sivana-nd, including some of his earliest works extending as far back as the late nineteen thirties. The questiona & answers in the pages that follow deal with some of the commonest, but most vital, doubts raised by practising spiritual aspirants.What invests these answers & explanations with great value is the authority, not only of the sage's intuition, but also of his personal experience. Swami Sivananda was a sage whose first concern even firet love, shall, we say, was the spiritual seeker,the yoga student. Sivananda lived to servd to serve them: & this priceless volume is the outcome of that Seva Bhav of the great Master We do hope that the aspirant world will benefit comsiderably from a carusal perusal of the pages that follow & derive rare guidance & inspiration in their struggle perfection. May the Holy Master's divine blessings be upon all.
INTRODUCTION:- O my dear aspirants! I send you the thought-currents of peace from the peaceful atmosphere of the sacred Himalayas the abode of Rishis. The goal of life is the attainment of final beatitude or Moksha. Moksha can be realized by man. Many have attained Self-realisation. Many have enjoyed the Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Sankara, Dattatreya, Mansoor, Shams Tabrize, Jesus, Buddha were all realized souls who direct perception of the Truth. The Ultimate Truth or Brahman or the Absolute can be experienced by all persons by regular practice of meditation with a pure heart. Mere abstract reasoning and study of books will not do. What is wanted is direct experience. The direct experience is the source foe higher intuitional knowledge or divine wisdom. This experience is superconscious or transcendental. There is neither the play of the senses nor the intellect here. This is not an emotional experience. The senses, mind and intellect are at perfect rest. They do not function a bit. This experience is not an imaginary experience of a visionary dreamer. It is not a reverie. It is not a hypnotic trance. It is solid living Truth like the Amalaka fruit on the palm of your hand. The third eye or the eye of wisdom is opened in the experience. The extraordinary experience comes from cognition through the spiritual eye or the eye of intuition. This eye of wisdom can be opened when the senses, mind and intellect cease functioning. Samadhi or blissful divine experience arises when the ego and the mind are dissolved. It is a state to be attained by one’s own effort. It is limitless, divisionless and infinite, an experience of pure consciousness. When this experience is realized, the mind, desires, actions, and feelings of joy and sorrow vanish into a void. He who has controlled his mind is really happy and free. Physical freedom is on freedom at all. If you are easily carried away by surging emotions and impulses, if you are under the grip of moods, cravings and passions, how can you be really happy, O sweet beloved child! You are like a rudderless boat. You are vast expanse on the ocean. You laugh for five minutes and weep for five hours. What can wife, son friends, money, fame and power do for you are under the sway of the impulses of your own mind? He is the true hero who has controlled his mind. There is an adage: “He who has controlled his mind has controlled the world.” True victory is over the mind. That is real freedom. Thorough rigorous discipline and self-imposed restrictions will eventually eradicate all desires, thoughts, impulses, cravings and passions. Only then, and not until then, can you expect to be free from the thralldom of the mind. You should not give any leniency to the mind. The mind is mischievous imp. Curb it by drastic measures. Become a perfect Yogi. Money cannot give you freedom. Freedom is not a commodity that can be purchased in the Crawford Market. It is a rare, hidden treasure guarded by a five-hooded serpent. Unless you kill or tame this serpent, you cannot have access to that treasure. That treasure is Spiritual Wealth, that is Freedom, that is Bliss. The serpent is your mind. the five hoods are the five senses through which the mind-serpent hisses. People are immersed in worldliness. They madly run after money and woman. They have no time to think of God and higher spiritual things. The sun dawns and the mind runs again in its old, usual, sensual grooves of eating, drinking, amusing and sleeping. The day has passed. In this way the whole life passes away. There is neither moral development nor spiritual progress.
To everyone strving for success in life, the invaiable stumbling block to be the turulent vagaries of the mind. An undiscipined mind makes a man a slave and wrecks his life. Controlling and subduing it is the most vexing of problems to the earnest seeker of happiness. The vital importance of the subject, therefore, prompted H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj to write this comprehensive work ''MIND-ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROL'' it is meant to serve as a valuable guide to all aspirants and is also of immense help to anyone in any walk of life. Being the outcome of personal experience of the revered author and written with a practical end inview,''MIND - ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROL'' is a treasure worthy to be possessed and studied constntly.
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INTRODUCTION:- Whatever is, is in reality One. There truly exists only one Universal Being, called Brahman or Paramatman, the Highest Self. This Being is of an absolutely homogenous nature (Eka-rase). It is pure ‘Being’, or which comes to the same, pure intelligence—(Chaitanya Jnana). Intelligence is not to be predicated of Brahman is not thinking Being, but ‘Thought’ itself. He is absolutely destitute of qualities. Whatever qualities or attributes are conceivable, can only be denied of it. But if nothing exists but one absolutely simple Being, whence the appearance of the world, by which we see ourselves surrounded, in which we ourselves exist, as individual beings? Brahman is associated with a certain power called Maya, to which the appearance of this entire world is due. The non-enlightened soul is look through and beyond Maya, which like a veil, hides from its true nature. Instead of recognizing itself to be Brahman, it blindly identifies itself with its adjuncts (Upadhis), the fictitious offsprings of Maya, and thus looks for its true self in the body, the sense-organs, and the internal organs (Manas or Antahkarana, or mind, the organ of specific cognition). The soul, which in reality, is pure intelligence—(Chaitanya), non-active (Nishkriya) and infinite (Bhuma), thus becomes limited in knowledge and power, an agent and an enjoyer. Through its burdens itself with merit and demerit, the consequences of which it has to bear or enjoy in series of future embodied existences. Oh! How deep, unfathomable and marvllous is this Maya, the inscrutable of Brahman! Every human being, though really in essence he is Brahman, does not, though instructed, grasp the Truth ‘I am Brahman’, but convinced, without any instruction that he is such a person’s son mistaking for the pure Atman, the combination of the body and the senses, etc., which is not the Atman and is only perceived like a stone or a pot. Indeed, these worldly-minded persons persons wander in this miserable Samsara repeatedly deluded by Maya of Brahman alone.But the wise man with the 4 means of salvation hears the Srutis, reflects and meditates on the Mahavakya, Aham-Brahma-Asmi or Tat-Tvam-Asi and eventually gets established on Advaita Kaivalya-Nishta. He becomes a Jivanmukta and crosses beyond the ocean of Samsara. Hail! Hail! To such Jivanmuktas. May their blessings be upon you all.
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