Maa Anandmayi's English Books

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    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    (1.) The present work brings together some papers from a number of writers, Indian & Non-Indian, on what each of them thinks about Mother Anandamayi & of the reacion of each to the influence of Her superb personality. All tgere writers claim to be among Her devout admirers, & though some of them may have known Her for a short time only, others have been privileged to be in more or less close touch with Her for several years. (2.) I have been asked by friends to write a few lines in appreciation of Mother which might be prefixed to the present volume as a brief introd-uction. (3.) Therefore, sympathise with those to whom Mother is verily a riddle. She is so very unlike ordinary or even extraordinary persons known to us that it is extremely hard to make any positive statement about Her with any degree of confidencece of accuracy.
  • A GODDESS AMONG US (THE DIVNE LIFE OF ANANDAMAYI MA)New Revised Edition More Pictures, More Stories!

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    ''It cannot be that anybody , anywhere is not my very own I am with you at all times.'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ciothed in spotless white ... the image of simplicity and gentleness, Anandamayee /ma was one of most influential spiritual teachers of our time. Her devotees ranbed from prime minisers to wenowned saints to humble villagers.*******************************************(INCLUDES THREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE CARDS OF ANANDAMAYEE MA FOR YOUR ALTAR - SHRINE)*************{New Edition }
  • A Godess Amongst Us

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • ANANDAMAYI * Her Life & Wisdom ***(Sri RICHARD LANNOY)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    ANANDAMAYI was a simple country girl from a remote village on the easternmost border of India who become a personality of the highest spiritual distinction. Like her great predecessor, Shankaracharya, she encompassed all castes, faiths & creeds on a journey which took her to all four extremities of the Indian subcontinent. Drawing extensively on her won words & advice to followers, RICHARD LANNOY reveals person-ality at once both breathtakingly simple & an enigma of fathomless complexity. His high-speed action photography captures her essence while his text recounts her dramatic spiritual metamorphosis from youthful ecstatic to venerable sage. WORDS OF ANANDAMAYI: Short Communications 1 Question: What are you in reality? Answer: How could such a question arise in your heart? The vision of gods & goddesses appe-ars in accordance with one’s inherited disposition. I am what I was & what I shall be; I am wh-atever you conceive, think or say. But, more to the point, this body has not come into being to reap the fruits of past karma. Why don’t you take it that this body is the material embodi-ment of all your thoughts & ideas? You all have wanted it & you have it now. So play with this doll for a little while. Further questions on this matter would fruitless.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    I have been asked to write a few words by way of introducing a book which really introdces itself. It is difficult to realise that Sri Anandamayi Ma is no longer with us phyiscally. For many She continues to be a living presence. If therefore, I write of Her in the past tense I do so from my own limite vision, & from memories of Her in the ni-neteen fifties. I write descriptively, as one person from the West who has been deeply affected by an encounter, over several years, with Sri Anandamayi Ma. I would particularly like to address these words to those who never met Her, or saw Her but seldom & fleetingly. I hope those who knew Her far better than I will forgive the limitations of my own experience & understanding. It was in Almora, where I opent my summer holidays in May—June 1943 that I had my first darshan of Mataji. I had heard about Her from various people & all of them had spoken highly of Her, but for some reason or other I had not been to see Her until’then. I was in fact searching for spiritual guidance, however, the thought that She could be the one I was longing to find, did not enter my mind. I was therefore not in a hurry to meet Her.********************************
    100/= U.S.A 20.00$

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Ma Anandamayee was a unique incarnation of Divinity - the Uncreated in peerless manifetation. She was never identified with Her own person: for Her there are no ''others'', there is ONE alone, appearing in countless forms - none can be excluded. To enquiries about Her identity She would reply : ''Whatever you conceive, think or say''.
    100/= &20$

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Namah shambhavaaya cha mayobhavaaya cha namah shankaraaya cha mayaskaraaya cha namah shivaaya cha shivataraaya cha
  • Anandamaya The Universal Mother

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Anandamaya:- Her Life And Wisdom

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Photo Album
  • Anlntroduction to Sri Anandamayi Ma's Philosophy of Absolute Cognition (by Kedrnath Swami) NEW BOOK

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The book fulfils the long- felt need of Sri Anandamayi Ma's philosophy. It is based upon the most authentic sources-the revelations that occurred spontaneously in life of Sri Ma Anandamayee and answers she gave in response to the questions put before Her. Ultimate Reality, according to Sri Ananedamayi Ma is an Absolute Identity '-a totality, which denies or excludes nothing. This absoluteness of totality in Her life, was reached and realised not by 'negation' but by 'assertion' moment to moment and just because of this we find that Her every answer turns to one singular theme-the One, the One who is All.
  • As The Flower sheads Its Fragrances

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Atirudra Mahayajna Kankhal -1981

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Death Must Die

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Looking at Her I lelt that she is not a body, but just light. She seemed to see through me with all shortcomings. All night I prayed to Her: Take possession fo me completely, don't let a particle of me remain. Death Must Die gives an intimate first-hand account of a courageous woman's spiritual quest in close association with several of India's greatest modern saints. Unfolding against the back-drop of Banaras in the 1940s, where she lived as a teaching and musician, we are given an in-depth picture of her intense relationship with the extraordinary woman who becomes her guru- Sri Anandamayee Ma. B
  • Death Must Die

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • ENCOUNTERING BLISS (My Journey India with Anandamayi Ma) {MELITA MASCHMANN}

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), “tha Mother imbued with bliss”, as she called by her followers, was one of the most significant Indina saints & one of the very few woman-Gurus of our times. Melita Maschmann, a journalist by profession, meets her by sheer coincidence & travels with her thr-oughout India for several months. This book was first published in 1967 under the title “Der Tiger singt Kirtana” (A Tiger sings a Kirtana). It was revised & enlarged & was published in 1990 under the title “Eine ganz gewohnliche Heilige” (A very ordinary saint). It was also published in paperback edition in 1992. The book gives a lively account of Anandamayi Ma’s life & work, of a saint whose both feet were firmly on the ground & who inspired not only people of all faiths but could also give something to someone what one wanted-whether a believer or atheist, an artist or a scholer, a politician or a hous-wife, a writer or a simple farmer. But this book is not onle an account of Ma. It is a fascinating account of Melita Maschmann’s encoun-ter with the Divine India (for she met only religious people), her trials & tribulations, her joya & sorrows in the constant company of Ms. Melita meandered her way through questions & more quest-ions, doubts & more doubts in her search for the ultimate truth. On her way, she met luminaries like Mother Teresa, who was worried because she was not a saint, Raihana Tyabji, a geand old lady who was an associate of Mahatma Gandhi, a Tantra-Lama & many others to realize finally, like Hermann Hesse’s “ Siddhartha” that she had to look into herself to get ultimate answer.
  • Encountering Bliss My journey Through India With Maa Anandamayee

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • I Am Ever With You Vol .2

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Matri Lila
  • I Am Ever With You vol. 1

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Matri Lila
  • I Association With Sri Sri Anandamayee One Set

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • IN YOUR HEART IS MY ABODE (Life & Teaching of Sri Ma Anandamayi)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    SRI MA ANANDAMAYEE (APRIL, 30, 1896 ---- AUGUST 27, 1982) ******************************* Sri Ma Anandamayee today is widely recognized as a personality of great apiriual eminence. She was born a hundred year ago & she suffered death at the age of 86; these limitations, however, cannot be said to have conditioned her utter freedom to be just herself under all circumstances. She was the embodiment of a joyous self-sufficiency which enraptured the hearts of all who came near her. The mysterious aloofness of her personality was totally beyond human understanding & yet it was so tempered by her compassionate love for all living creatures that she seemed closer than the most indul-gent friend even could be.She was the Teaching whose guidance was sought by the learned as well as the simple, the old & also children, peoply from alien cultures ro from traditional backgrounds. Although she travelled incessantly, it was seen that she was at home everywhere & no one was a stranger to her.
  • In Her Perfect Love

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Jai Maa

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Ashram Chants And Kirtans

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    For a span of more than 50 years Ma Anandamayee treaded gracefully the spiritual horizon of India -- and in her wake followed top dignitaries, as well as the lowliest of the lowly, enchanted by her gentle dispensation of wisdom and love to all. To the man in the street she was the guru' and confidante of Prime Ministre Indira Gandhi.All V.I.Ps visiting India made an appointment with her an item in their itinerairs in the country without an invitation to her for her gracious and radiant presence on the dais.
  • Life & Teaching of Sri Anandamayi Ma (by Dr Alexander Lipski)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Life & Teaching of Sri Anandamayi Ma (by Dr Alexander Lipski)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Seeing the radiant face of Ma Anandamayi & hearing Her laughter, you guess that She is an incarnation of Joy. Touched by the caress of Her glance you know that Her heart is overflowing with love for all beings. Listening to Her teaching so simple & clear, you understand that She is in possession of all Wisdom. But one cannot say whether it is Joy, Love or Wisdom that is the source of all this, for with Her all three are inextricably & indissolubly mingled—one could not exist without the others . The joy which Ma Anandamayi lives is not that which we know in worldly life, where pleasure & pain, hope, regret & disillusionment, attraction& repulsion follow on each other’s heels, born one of another. Nor is it an egocentic of stoic rigidity that erects around itself an rampart of indifference.Hers is an overflowing, irrepressible joy that expresses itself in gaiety knows on obstacles, because it is deeply rooted in the Absolute, beyond the dualities of good & evil, of ‘I’ & ‘not-I’ , of pleasant & unpleasant, because its unshakable base is Love & Wisdom. ******************************************
  • Life And Teaching Of Sri Anandamayee

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • MA ANANDAMAYEE For the Children (Samarpita)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    AN HUMBLE SUBMISSION Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee side : ‘If you stand on the shore of the ocean & think that you will bathe only when the waves subaide, then you will never have your bath. You shall have to take your bath in the ocean with the waver’ .Keeping these words in mind & to keep Her always in my thought, I started compiling Ma’s own words & sayings in the midst of daily turmoil of life. That compilation was published as the book ‘Mayer kathay Ma (Ma in Her Own Words) on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration of Her appearance in the wprld. I ma not a writer, neither have I any previous my mind. When Mahatmas, Sadhus & the learned omes showered their blissings on me for this publication, I had an overwhelming feeling of Ma’s grace. I then felt if I could produce something for the youger generation, my spare time would be well spent in recapitulating Ma’s life & words. I got much encouragem-ent from Swami Chaitanya Maharaj in this regard.***************** The future of the society greatly depends on the young generation. If they are made aware of the divine life of Ma & Her sayings & are thereby attracted towards truth & religion, the society will be benefitted. Shree Ma’s life & words are personified expressions of relig- ion & thought of universal welfare. These thoughts & feeling led to the publication of this book – Ma Anandamayee for the Children, which is a translation of the book – Chhotoder Ma Anandamayee, in Bengali language. *************************************************
  • MA ANANDAMAYEE LILA Memoirs of Haei Ram Joshi

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Much has already been written by a number of devotees about the Life of the Universal Mother Sri Ma Anandamayee Ma (Mataji). However, the main object of writing this book ;;Ma AnandamayiLila'' is to enable sadhakas of any caste, creed, or religion to get authentic information about the life of the Divine Mother arranged in chronological order, and some idea of Her teaching. This book may also make them feel that in their efforts to achieve Self-realization by following the instructions of their respective Gurus, they would be helped by coming in contact with Mataji personally.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • MATRI VANI (From the Wisdom of SRI ANANDAMAYI MA )VOLUME -2 {Translated by Atmananda}

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    This new volume of Matri Vani, like the first, is composed of littrs dictated in Bengali by Sri Ananadamayi Ma in response to devotees’ requcsts for personal advice & guidance, prcviously published in our quart-erly. Ananda Varra. The first compilation of Matri Vani appeared in 1959 & an enlarged edition in 1963. This second volume represents a much more comprehensive selection of Sri Ma’s practical teaching & throws light on several subjects not touched upon in the first volume. Afew of the pieces in the last chapters as well as one or two in the other chapters are not from letters but rather from Ma’s conversation, noted down & also first published in Anand Varat.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The author of this book, Sri Jyotish Chandra Ray, generally known as “Bhaiji” (elder brother), was greatly loved & revered by the devotees of Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee. He may tr-uly be called the Prince of Bhaktas. Whoever met him was impressed by the marked nobility of his character, his utter simplicity & rare spirit of service. Through his outstanding purity & self-effacement he was enabled to gain insight of un-usual depths. What maked ‘Matri Darshan’ so valuable is that it was written by one endowed with a high degree of underst-anding, to whom Mataji had ---to whatever large or small ext-ent --- actually revealed Herself. What Bhaiji him self felt, can be rendered best in his own words : (Sri Hari Ram Joshi)****

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    This book examines the life of anandamayi Ma, one of the most renowned holy woman of modern time. Lisa Hallstrom paints a vivid portrait of this extraordinary woman, her ideas, & her continuing influence. In the process, the author sheds new light on important themes of Hindu religious life, including the centrality of the guru, the influence of living saints, & the apparent paradox of the worship of the divine feminine & the status of Hindu woman. “This will be not only the book on Anandamayi Ma, but also be among the handful of most important book on Hindu religious figures to appear this century”. __Kathleen Erndl, Religion Florida State University
    Rs 1000/= U.S.A $25.00 Rs 1000/= U.S.A $25.00 Rs 1000/= U.S.A $25.00 Rs 1000/= U.S.A $ 25.oo
  • MOTHER OF BLISS (Anandamayi Ma 1896 –1982) by Lisa Lassell Hallstrom

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Introduction:- ONE OF THE MOST COMMON yet compelling questions posed by Western feminist theologians is, “How would our lives have been different if we been raised to believe that God was our mother, all loving and all powerful? This question has provoked a passionate interest in and nostalgia for ancient goddess cultures, such as those recently acknowledged to have flourished in the fertile valleys of Old Europe.1 It has also let to an interest in reappropriating ancient goddesses of all traditions to help women & men create alternative models of Ultimate Reality that better reflect the female experience. The prevailing assumption of feminist theologians has been that a move away from patriarchal images of God as father or king & toward powerful yet compassionate female religious images would empower women and create a more balanced and humane society.2 Feminist and liberation theologians committed themselves to reimagining a god or goddess who embraces and inspires all of his or her childern.3 Yet, ancient goddess are not the only resources for stimulating the reimagination of God as mother or for examining the impact on women & men of worshiping the diving feminine. India his one of the oldest continuous traditions of goddess worship in the world, and even today the Goddess is worshiped daily by many devout Hindus in both her multiplicity and her unity. The Great Goddess, or Mahadevi, is considered to have countless manifestaions worthy of worship, from the fiercely independent goddesses, such as Kali or Durga, to the benign consort goddesses, such as Lakshmi or Parvati. The Goddess, no matter what her form, is considered by her devotees to be an embodiment of shakti, the dynamic creative power of the universe. In her forms as village goddesses, she is usually propitiated for specific requests such as healing the sick or granting blessings blessings upon important life passages, for example, childbearing. As the Great Goddess, she is envisioned as Ultimate Reality, both transcendent and imminent, and as such, she is responsible for the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe. Those who envision Ultimate Reality as Dive or Ma and worship her both for the pleasures of this world, or bhukti, and spiritual liberation, or mukti, are called Shaktas, or worshipers of the shakti, and comprise one of the three major sectarian divisions within the Hindu tradition.4………………………………………………………………………………… However, a recent upsurge of research has challenged this generalization. Western women scholars of the Hindu tradition have begun to respond to anthropologists from the developing world, such as Ifi Amadiume. Trinh Minh-ha, Vandana Shiva, & Leila Ahmed, who implore us to consider the multivalence of gender-related symbols, which, as Caroline Walker Bynum says, “may refer to gender in ways that affirm or reverse it support or question it, or may, in their basic meaning have little or nothing to do with male & female.”10 And finally, they ask us to “do-anthropologize” ourselves, to deconstruct our essentialist notion of “Hinduism” and of “woman,” and look at the lives of particular Hind women themselves. Many Western women historians of religion and anthropologists have begun to approach the study of women in the Hindu tradition with methodology based on attention to the particulars of women’s lives, as related by the women themselves.11 Some scholars have challenged notions about “Hindu women” by focusing on particular women who are members of certain castes in certain regions who have rejected and have chosen to live outside the realm of brahmanical dharma as renunciants, mendicants, and yoginis. The work of Lynn Teskey Denton & Catherine Ojha on women ascetics in Banaras, India, has shed light on women who renounce the world & lead relatively independent lives, either within orders or on their own.12 Furthermore, in predominantly Shakta communities, women recognized as avataras and those considered to have particular power by virtue of their level of shakti, or power, have risen to prominence as gurus and often have large followings of men & women. There is a burgeoning field of research on Shakti women gurus, of which this study is a part.13

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    For a span of more than fifty years Sri Ma Anandamayee dominated gracefully the spiritual horizon of India. The keepers of the vedic heritge- the ascetics orders of India-were united in her the quintessnce of the Upanishadie Spirit. Eminent philosophers like Mahendra N. Sarkar and t.M. p Mahadevan acknowledged her utterances as authoritaiye.
  • Ma Anandamaya

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Embodiment Of India's
  • Ma Anandamayee For The Children

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Ma Anandamayee The Divine Mother Showers Grace On Us

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The manifestation of the Divine as Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee is unique and unparalleled in the spirrtual histiry of the word. the most exalted spirotual leaders and mahatmas came to Her during Her lifetime and acknowledged Her Supreme Divinity.
  • Ma Anandamayee The Divine Mother Showers Grace On Us (By Prasanna Madhava)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Reading of hearing about the Divine Mother, Shree Shree Anandamayee Ma, is a joy itself. Many devorees & eminent persons have writtenabout their experiences of Ma. Each author brought out some aspect of Ma & Her Leela in this world as noticed by them. Sometime, I wondered whether I should also write about Ma & pur expe-riences of Ma’s grace. Idid not come to any definite conclusion because Ma says one should concentrate on Sadhana to the best of one’s ability.
  • Ma Anandamayi A Mystic Sage by Shyamananda Banerjee

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Lead me from the unreal to the real, Lead me from darlness to Light, Lead me from death to Immortality. (Upanishad). The vision which haunted the Sages of the Upanishads through the haze of the dim past is found to overshadow Indian thought to this day. The race of those immortal thinkers is not yet completely extinct. To those who have come in touch with the mystic Sage—Ma Anandamayi—of India, the Truth of the Upanishads in all its pristine glory. We have claimed Ma Anandamayi to be in the line of thouse great Upanishadic sages. But why are we, in our review of the life-story of the great mystic sage, reminded of the Upanishads again & again? What do the Upanishads signify? The Puanishads have been beautifully described by Juan Mascaro as “The Himalayas of the soul”. Schopenhauer’ eulogy is well known. “In the world”, said he “there is no study so beneficial, so elevating as the study of the Upanishads; it has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death.” In fact, the Upanishad is regarded as the magnum matrix in Indian life & thought. The Upanishad means inner knowledge, that secret or esoteric knowledge which is a means to the realization of the Ultimate.
  • Maa Anandamayee Lila

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Memories Of Hari Ram Joshi
  • Matri Lila Darshan

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Matri Vani Vol.1

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The present booklet contaion fragments of personal advice and suggestions tendered by Sri Maa Anandamayee Ma to Her devptees at different time. As these formed part of letters (in Bengali) dictated by Mother in reply to their own supplications, their language bears upon it the native simplicity and least deterioration owing to the mechanism of transmission.
  • Mother As Reaveled To Me

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Mother As Revealed to me (BHAIJI)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    If you look at Mother, you will find in Her a perennial fountain of joy and sweetness though She is surrounded day and night by the noise and bustle and a thousand entreaties of all classes of people. Her calm and serene looks, Her gracious, ever smiling responses to all queries, Her playful humour, bring satisfaction and delight to every soul. Her ways of life are so universal and all embracing that She may be called Motherly Love incarnate.
  • My Days With Sri Ma Anandamaya

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books


    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    We are happy to present this commemoration Volume to the general public on the occasion of the 100th birth of Mahamahopadhyaya Padmavibhusana Pandit Gopi Nath Kaviraj. It was the decision of the Centenary Celebration Committee to bring out the volume in four different sections, in each of the four languages in which Kavirajji wrote. Originally. the late Dr Jaideva Si-ngh was assigned the responsibility of preparing the English scetion. The sudden death of this discerning scholar dealt a severe blow to the activties of the board of editors. “Navonmesa” , the name given to this volume, is indeed very signficant. The articles contained herein aim at nava-unmesa, revealing new asspects of the topics selceted. Kavirajji helped to develop the insight of the enquirers who approached him.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    We are happy to present this commemoration Volume to the general public on the occasion of the 100th birth of Mahamahopadhyaya Padmavibhusana Pandit Gopi Nath Kaviraj. It was the decision of the Centenary Celebration Committee to bring out the volume in four different sections, in each of the four languages in which Kavirajji wrote. Originally. the late Dr Jaideva Si-ngh was assigned the responsibility of preparing the English scetion. The sudden death of this discerning scholar dealt a severe blow to the activties of the board of editors. “Navonmesa” , the name given to this volume, is indeed very signficant. The articles contained herein aim at nava-unmesa, revealing new asspects of the topics selceted. Kavirajji helped to develop the insight of the enquirers who approached him.
  • OM MA (Anandamayee Ma) A Short Life Sketch

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    This book was written at the request of the mahant of our ashram to fulfill a particular need. There aer many beautiful and authoritative book written about the life and teaching of Shree Shree Maa Anandamayee Ma. But it seems all the existing books aer rather lengthy, somewhat expenisve and only available from a limit 1qed number of sources. It appeared that what was lacking was a brief biogeaphy that included the high points of Ma's life, with a few suitable illustrations, that retained, brevity. Such a book could be widely distributed, purchased cheaply, read briefly, and hopefully begin to acquaint people with the divine life of the Personage known as Anandamayee Ma.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • SAD VANE (Bhaiji) A collection of teaching of Ma Anandamayi

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    seeing the radiant face of Ma Anandamayee & hearing Her laughter, you guess that She is an incarnation of joy. Touched by the caress of Her glance you know that Her heart is over flowing with love for all beings. Listening to Her teaching , so simple & clear, you understand that She is in possession of all wisdom. But ont cannot say, whether it is Joy, Love or Wisdom that is the source of all this, for with Her all three are inxtricably & indissolubly mingled—one could not exist without the other. The Joy which Maanandamayee lives is not that which we know in the which pleasure & pain, hope, regret & disillusionment, a-ttraction & repulsion follow on each other’s heels, born of another. Nor is it an ego-centric calm of the stoci rigidity that erects around itself a rampart of indifference. Here is an overflowing irrepressible Joy that expresses itself in gaiety, that knows on o- bstacles, because it is deeply rooted in the Absolute, beyond the dualities of good & evil, I & not-I, of pleasant & unpleasant, because its unshakable base is Love & Wisdom.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    PILGRIMAGE TO KAILAS SUNDAY, 16 JUNE 1937************************ At eight a.m. we set out for Kailas with Ma. Others who were with us were to return from Almora. They all wept while ieaving Ma. Nagendada who had come from Calcutta, Naren Choudhary & family from Delhi, Hari Ram & Manik from Dehradun all returned. Ma Bholanath,Jyotish Dada, Swami Akhandanada, Tunu (Prankumar Babu’s son), Dasudada & a servant (Keshav Singh) & I set out on the journey. The hill tribe girl Parvati was also with us. She was waittin- g in Almora to accompany Ma. At eleven a.m. we reached a forest bungalow in a place called Barching. The scenic beauty was exquisite. We had refresments & rested till three p.m. The bungalow was situated at a distance of seven miles from Almora. Before evening we reached a place called Dhoulchina which was another five & ahalf miles away. We cooked, had dinner & epent the night on the verandah of a Dak bungalow. On Monday June 17, we started at five a.m. & reached Seraghat elev- en miles further. Enormous trees grew on the banks of the river at Seraghat. We cooked beneath one of the trees & finished with the ritual of eating. We then lay down beneath the trees for it was difficult to walk in the hot sun. ten or twelve cooli-es were carrying our luggage & walking with us. Five dandis had been hired along with fifteen coolies. Parvati was accompanied by another lady, her small daughter & her brother. They had two coolies with them. The coolies reached the spot, cooked rotis for themselves & lay down to rest. Each coolie carries a maximum load of fifteen seers. A horse was not available for Tunu at Almora—a horse will be picked up on the way. As one dandi was spoilt, it was replaced by another one at Seraghat. We could still spot a shop or two & three, where we purchased rice, dal, ghee, salt & other essentials. We heard that no such shops would be we proceeded further. We had also carried some food items with us. We were told that nothi- ng would be available beyond Garbivantherefore we had dry fruit, sugar candy, pepper power, tamarind pickles & other items packed with us. It is nec- essary to keep such items in stock to go across ice-laden tracks, had heard that some travellers feel giddy & faint on the way to Garbiyan & so a lady at Almora had prepared a concoction of pepper, dried mango power & other apices und-er the belief that it would keep our heads clear.*******************************
  • SHREE SHREE MA ANANDAMAYEE -Divinity in our Midst An excerpt taken erom the third volume of '' Vachanamrit'' By Sri Swami Kedarnath

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books


    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Friday, 3rd July, 1936. Today we travelled to Dehradun from Solan with Ma. It was decided that we would again go to Simla tomorrow. By Ma’s orders, Jyotish Dada had been in Dehradun all these days, & he now had the darshan of Ms’s feet after this interval. Devotees in Dehradun began arriving for Ma’s darshan because Ma had retured after nearly a month & a half. She had left suddenly after the festival & no one had received prior information of her departure. Today, hearing that she had come, thay were all flocking to her. Ma ate & after her meal rested awhile. The cold & fever seemed to be worse. When people heard that Ma was leaving the very next day, joy was cut short but no one can impede Ma’s kheyala except on some occasions when, on Bholanath’s request, some change had been wroght. Late in the night people retuned to their homes & Ma slept. Saturday, 4th July. Ma rose in the morning & walked about in the compound. She was to evening. Crowds of people train the same evening. Crowds of people poured in for Ma’s darshan & Ma was enquiring about each one’s welfare & delighting them with her sweet conversation them while talking about ordinary matters. Soon it was time to leave. This time Jyothish Dada accompanied us. Sharada, Lakshmi, Hariram, Hamsa & many others came to the station. All were sad at the thought that they did not know when they would see Ma again. We left Dehradun by the six o’clock train, reached Kalka the next morning & started for Simla by car. Sunday, 5th July. On the way we met Dr.Joshi at Solan & learnt that the Raja Sahib was going to Simla on hearing that Ma was arriving there. After Ma & we lift, others from Solan turned up.
  • SHREE SHREE MA ANANDAMAYI - A Guide to Meditalion & understanding

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books


    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Thursday, January 24th 1937. In the morning today, Sashi Babu took Ma to be photog- raphed. Then she taken to the Kali Bari. Jyotash Dada imssed his train yeaterday & could not reach here today. It had been decided earlier that we would leave for Adinath taday after Jyotish Dada’s arrival. Ma wantede to leave as scheduled & when Bholanath & the devotees tried to postpone her departure, she said, “When l have had the kheyal to leave today, let us go to Sitakunda today.” Accordingly we left for Sitakunda by the eleven a.m. train. saahi Babu accompanied Ma & arranged for her stay at the Shankarmath. As soon as the sannyasis at Shankarmath saw Ma thay welcomed her with great regard. We were given accommodation in a beautiful house on the hill top. The place was very quiet, desolate & extremely lovely. Firday, January 25. Early in the morning Ma went for a walk in the mountaions. Then she sat in her room & conversed. I saig, “Ma, the other day you had said that on reading that one book, nothing remains unknown.” Ma confirmed, “Yes, so it is. On reading that one book, not only all languages, but no subject also remains unknown. For example take the rishi who is the seer of mantras ; an example cannot illustrate every aspect; underatand it.” Many devatees from Chittagong have arrived today & Jyotish Dada has also reached. As soon as he arrived he heard that his one & inly daughter had passed away. But by Ma’s grace he did get upset even slightly, so that it seemed as nothing had happened; externally this was the manner in which he appeared to us.*************************

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    By Ma’s grace, yet another volume of Didi’s invaluable record of Ma’s day to day life has been translated into English. I would like to apologize for an error that seems to have arisen in my calculation of the dates according to the Julian calendar from the dates given by Didi according to the Bengali calender. I realized the discrepancy when the date of Bholanath’s samadhi appeared as May 6th, 1938 (23 Vaishakh, 1345 Bengali Era). To arrive at this date I consulted Sri Amulya Datta Gupta’s book, ‘In Association With Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi’, & found that the starting date of this volume of Didi’s diary (Volume 6) should be December 9Th, 1937 (23 Agrahayana, 1344 Bengali Era). This leads to a necessary correction in Volume 5 of the English translation of Didi’s diary which should stsrt from June 13Th 1937 rather than June 16Th 1937. Bhaiji’s samadhi date should be August 18th, 1937 rather than August 21st 1937 & Volume 5 should end on Wednesday, 8Th December 1937. However , in ‘Ma Anandamayi Lila—Memoirs of Sri Hari Ram Joshi’, the date of Bholanath’s samadhi is given as May 7Th, 1938 & Bhaiji’s samadhi date as August 17Th, 1937. These discrepancies seem to have arisen because of the ambiguities involved in translating dates from the one or more Hindu calendars to the Jullian calendar I would like to pay homsge to the mamory of Sri G.N. Roy Misra, who is no longer in our midst, & who was a source of constant encouragement to me in translating Didi’s diari. I would also like to offer my tribute to the late Sri Lalit Mohan, who was ever engrossed in thoughts of Ma & who first introduced me to ma in 1972. Without my husband’s encouragement & his regular of the manuscript this service could neve been accomplished. My grateful thanks are also offered to the publicaqtion Division of Shree Shree Anandamayee Charitable Society for allowing me to render this service at feet of Ma.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    While Ma was staying at Siddheshwari, she had instructed me thus : “For a few days come & meet me only once a day & then go away. Do not remainhere.” On reaching there the next day I found that Ma had received a letter from Bholanth who was at Tarapeeth. The letter had been brought by Surendra Nath Mukhopadhyaya. As per Ma’s orders, I met her & came away while the rest of the people remained sittined sitting near Ma. Ma had come out of her room by noon. When Father returned home at night Icame to know that Bholanath had written to Ma to came to know Bholanath had written to Ma to come to Tarapeeth & had sent Surendre Nath Mukhopadhyaya only to escort her. Ma was leaving the very next day. Since she had for- bidden me to meet her more than once daily, I realised that even if I were to go to her again that day I would not get darshan. Hence I spent the night somehow or other & early next mo- nring, Father & I went to Siddheshwari. Jyotish Dada was already there. Ma came out of the temple. After a little while she again went inside the room where I followed her & began to weep bitterly. Ma consoled me, but she was going away, so words of consolation had no eff-ect on me. Meanwhile Father & Joytish Dada were making arrangements for Ma’s journey. The luggage was meagre. After Bholanath’s departure, Ma had made a small bedding with a couple of old, tattered blankets without a pillow or anything else. Even earlier, Ma had haed- ly ever used a pillow, but it was kept with her bedding. Soon it was time for Ma’s departure. I fed Ma with great difficulty & then returued to the sm-all room & cried. Ma came & sat by me, saying, “If Iwrite to you ‘come,’ only then should you come.” Ma went to the Kali tample & caressed the image as if she were taking leave of Kali. No one else was present, only I saw Ma do this. Ma had already been to Navadveep once, & had met a mauni sadhu (renunciate who observes a vow of silence). No one was allowed to enter the sadhu’s room, & he had to be viewed only from a distance. Bholanath, Charu Babu & several others belived that it was not a human being at all but a statue from Kriahnangar, which was being called a man in order to make money. At Girin Mitra’s house, the topic of this sudhu came up during conversation. Ma said she eanted to go & see the sadhu omce aggin. So Girin Dada, his widowed sister-in-law & Jiten Dada took Ma to Navadveep. Ma stayed at the mauni sadhu’s Ashram for a few days. When she expressed her desire to stay on further, Girin Dada left his sister-in-law with Ma, & returned to Calcutta with Jiten Dada.At that time, Ma’s daily diet consisted ofbtwo or three rotis with a little boiled diet consisted of two or three rotis with a little boiled vegetable. Girin Dada’s sister-in-law prepared this for Ma & ate some of it herself

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Brahmachrini Chanadan Puranacharya Translated form Bengali to English By Sri Swami Virajananda ji Maharaj

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Brahmachrini Chanand Puranacharya Translated form Bengali to English By Sri Swami Virajananda Ji Maharaj
  • Sad Vani

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    There is nothing in the world that can be called new. Revolving ceaselessly on the wheel of time, the old appears and again clothed in ever new forms. This is even more obvious concerning the dissemination of Supreme Wisdom (parana Tatwa). Time after time, expressed in many different ways, there have been numerous attempts throughout the ages to proclaim the Eternal Truth Of the ONE in the many. This ancient Truth (satya) has ever pueiofird and enlightened the human mind. To this category belongs the teaching set forth in the 'Sad Vine'' . May it bring Supreme Joy to all its readers!
  • Science Religion And Spirituality

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

  • Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee One Set

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    G.P. Deve
  • Sri Sri Ma Anandamamayi

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books


    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The first English biography of Sri Maa Anandamayee entitled From The Life of Sri Sri Maa Anandamayee was publised in 1964. It was written by Bithika Mukerji at the request of Atmanandaji (Miss Blanca Schlamm), the first editor of the quarterly magszine Ananda Varta begun in 1952. Atmanandaji was very concerned about who did not Bengali. She herself acquired Hindi & Bengali very quickly & undertook the task of rendeing Sri Ma’s word into English. She always worked in close collaboration with Bithika Mukerji becase it was her considered opinion that Bithkaji had a feel & flair for the nuances of meanings of Sri Ma’s words. Due to unavoidable circumstances Bithikaji could not continue with the biography. The two early volumes have been out of print for many years. Now the early author has undertaken to complete her earlier work. The original two volumes are combined,revised as well as enlarged to form the first volumes of a set of three. The second volume brings Sri Ma’s lila-katha up to 1959. The third volume completes the biography & inclu-des some incidents depicting the ever abiding presence of Sri Ms.************************************************ Many books are now available about Sri MaAnandamayee, wr- itten in Enhlish as well as regional languages, such as Bengali, Gujarati & Hindi. Some literature is also available in French, German & Sponish. Even so a complete biography by the pen of an author who is acknowledged to be a competent raconteur of the enigmatic ways of Sri Ma is very welcome. The author personally knew many of the earliest devotees. She came to know Sri Ma while Bholanathji & Bhaiji were both alive. With the passage of time questions of authenticity arise. The absence of eye-witnesses create lacunae which can only be filled by words which keep memory alive & faith anchored. We hope this biography will forge another link in the chain of an ongoing process of matri-satsang.

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The first English biography of Sri Ma Anandamayee entited From The Life of Sri Ma Anandamayi was published in 1964 It was written by Bithika Mukerji at the request of Atmanandaji (Miss Blanca Schlamm), the first editor fo the quarterly magazine Ananda Varta, begun in 1952. Atmanandaji was very concerned about de votees who did not speak Bengali. She herself acquired Hindi and Bengali very quickly and undertook the task of rendering Sri Ma's words into English. She always worked in close collaboration with Bithika Mukerji because it was her considered opinion that Bithikaji had a feel and flair for the nuances of meanings of Sri Ma's words. (NEW BOOK)
  • Ten Inspiring Stories

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    Sri Anandamayee Ma, the Purna Brahma Narayana, appeared on this earth of ours a century ago in a mortal form, to spread the message of love and spiritualism.Her innumerable devotees had the good fortune of having a taste of that divine loue and a vision of that celestial presence.
  • That Compassionate Touch Of Ma Anandamayee

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books


    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    The geratest achievement of my life was the day I met Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee. Mydevotion and feelings for her cannot be expressed in worlds. It is only through her grace and blessings. That I got the strength and determination to write some of the Divine Lila's of Sri Ma.
  • The Essential Sri Anandamaya Ma , Life And Teaching Of 20th Centuary Indian Saint Photo Album

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  • WORDS OF SRI ANANDAMAYI MA (Translated & compiled By Atmananda)

    Maa Anandmayi's English Books

    This book contains a selection from Sri Anandamayi Ma’sreplies to oral questions, recorede at meetings of Iarge & small groups. They have been arranged, not in chronological order but, as far as possible, according to subjects. The simpler ones have been path & Self-realization ; with a great variety of prpbl-ems –practical, philosophical,& metaphysical—as encountered by seekers after Truth at various stages of their quest. In her replies Hataji * responds exactly to the inquirer’s capacity to understand, his specific disposition& line of approach. She throws light on every question from many different standpoints. In fact, in her utterances we find united every creed & philosophy, every school of thought & method of yoga, --yet she stands above & beyond them all. It has been said of her that she has right word, at the right time, in the right manner, for every seeker after Truth, be he a believer in any faith or an agnostic, an intellectual or an artist, a scholar or an illiterate, a beginner or highiy advanced on the path. Just as the earth provides for each plant the substance necessry for its growth, even so does Sri Anandamayi Ma guide every aspirant, according to his uniqueness & his need at any particular
  • Words Of Shri Anandamayee

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