SAD VANE (Bhaiji) A collection of teaching of Ma Anandamayi

Maa Anandmayi's English Books

SAD VANI OF SHREE SHREE MA ANANDAMAYEE In the field of action people’s minds become crippled by the lack of freedom to proceed in their own way. The same is true in the sphere for a wide extention of his search in keeping with his individual temperament, his efforts will stagnate in narrow grooves. The path that has been chosen must be pursued with great vigour in order that purity of mind & heart may be deve-loped. When the goal is ever before one as a living reality, all that is needful will come of its own accord. TEN STAGES ON THE PAT First : The desire to find God is conceived. Second : One begins to hanker after Him restessly. Third : The eagerness for union with Him grows overwhelming. Fourth : One resorts to all kinds of clever devices to reach the Goal. Fifth :There is intense yearning to soar up in to the heights of divine contemplation. Sixth : Tears of longing for the Beloved are shed in greath profusion. Seventh : One wants to swim in the ocean of Bliss. Eighth : Day & night God’s Name is repeated in order to realize Him. Ninth : Forgetting oneself & awakening of great love for God. Teath : The search is over, Self-realization is attained. Rememder Him, remember Mim day after day, hour after hour, remember Him!” By constantly sustainingn the flow of God’s Name the days of your imprisonment in this wprld will expire. That you are working for your own uplift, goes without saying. But this is not enough; wherever you may be placed, call others also to join you. Untiringly entreat those of your fellowmen, w-