(i) The Great Truth & its Application……………………………………… 1. Whatever be the financial & social position in which you may temporarily placed, remember always that you are Satchidananda Svarupa. Financial losses, unemployment, pennilessness & worries—all belong to the body & the mind. They cannot affect the blissful Atman. 2. Be always cheerful & bold. Take recourse to God’s Name. Face all problems boldly; will melt away. Be regular in your Sadhana. 3. Do not allow yourself to be depressed & defeated by passing difficulties. Stand up boldly to them & they will cease troubling you. Always besr in mind everything that happens is for your good, though for the time you may not be able to see it, & take refuge in the Lord’s grace & mercy. As you think & act more & more on these lines, you will have greater & greater peace of mind. (ii) Japa Yoga Elucidated……………………………………………………… 15. Keep your mind always busy in doing Japa, concentration, meditation, study of religious books, Satsanga, acts of purity, will help you a lot in your Sadhana. Removal of Vrittis & impurities is the most important Sadhana. You can move the world by you spiritual force. Remember this & acquire this. Realize this in this very birth. May Lord bless you & may the Divine Flame grow brighter in you. 16. Repeat the Name of the Lord. Just the Name of five letters (Om Namah Sivaya) is sufficient. You can also read some good Stotras of Lord Siva—Siva-Saharsanama Siva-Aparadha-kshamapana Stotra, Siva-Mahimna-Stotra, ets., Godwards & steady it for the purpose of the Japa. THE DIVINE AVENUE IS REVEALED********************************* (i) Commonsense in Spiritual Life…………………………………………… 1. I would advise you to carry just as much luggage with you as you intend taking to Badri. Leaving things behind will cause you unnecessary worry, whereas you should try to concentrate all you mind on Him while you perform the Yatra. The lesser the burden that you own shoulders, the greater the joy of His remembrance. May God bless you! 2. There is no Vrata or vow which is greater, more sublime, more powerful & worthier than vow of Brahmacharya. Stick to the vow at all costs. You will surely become a Superman, soon. May the blessing of Bhishma, Hanuman Dattatreya & the Brahma Vidya Gurus be upon you! (ii) The master-plan for Self-conqueest************************************** 13. It often happens that, due to virtuous deeds done in countless previous births, a wave of godliness sweeps over the mind of a rare soul: his lower nature is temporarily swept off; a thirst for knowing God is produced in him. 14. Quickly again the dark been driven forces which always hover about him (and which had been driven away for a moment by the Divine) recapture his mind & lead him astray. (iii) Love in Action*************************************************************** 19. You love me, do you? You are welcome to do so. Yes, I shall also love you intensely. I shall serve you nicely & guide you also. 20. But I am a very exacting lover. Mere expressions of love do not satisfy me. You should show in your actions that you do love me. You should completely become one with God in supreme love. 21. That you can do by following me to the very letter. Love me truly. But put into practice my Twenty Spiritual Instructions. Maintain the diary, recording in it your Sadhana & send it to me every month for further instructions. Then I shall know that you love me! Otherwise, your confession of love to me is hypocritical.