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Sri Ramana Maharshi
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Victory to Ramana! Victory to Shankara! These beautiful names resound like a clarion call addressed to our human hearts, imploring us to awaken feom the suffering dream of life. This ancient call of the Vedic Rishis echoes through the ages, as if emannting from some primeval conchshell, & is still available for “hearing” in our own time. Both Great Sages knew they had truly descended from the everliving root of the Primal Sage, Dakshinamurti. Shankara’s Hymn to Dakshinamurti & Ramana’s rtanslation exempify this connection. That first part of this book is devoted to the inspired transation that Ramana made of some of Shankara’s classics. On 12 May 1936, Oliver Lacombe visited the Maharshi at Tiruvannamalai. He asked; “Is Maharshi’s teaching the same as Shankara’s?” The Maharshi replied, “Maharshi teaching is only an expression of his own experiece &. Others have found that it tallies with Sri Shankara’s.” It is not surprising that when Sri Bhagavan discovered that the Tamil literature was deficient in correct & translations of some of the Acharya’s works, he himself translated them into Tamil for the benefit the Tamil-speaking population at large. The distinguished Oxford scholar & Universtion professor, Arthur Osborne, who lived at Ramanasramam for many years, tranalated there jewels into Enhlish; & so the English-speaking world has similarly benefited. In the first part of this book, we preface each translation with Arthur Osborne’s brief introduction. Ramana himself has written the introdction to the great Vivekachudamani or the Crest Jewst of Discrimination,with which this book commences.
The Talks with Maharshi are mainly selected from conversations that D has had with him since 1912. Some of these were later incorporated into the Raman Gita & one or two booklets. These talks are given with a view to introduce the general reader to the main work, the philosophy of Sat-Darshan. The conversations with Sri Maharshi have been generally in Tamil, intermixed with a few English & Sanskrity words. We do not say ‘you’ in talking to him, nor does he erfer to himself as ‘I’. They are used here for the purpose of the English version. The name of D is not mentioned as it is considered unnecessary for the purpose of the subject. The translation of the Sat-Darshana slokas is in free verse. The English rendering of the Bhoomika (introduction) as well as the Bhashya (commentaty in Sanshrit) is faithful to the spirit of the original. But in some places it is interpretaive & amplified in other to make the English appear not a translation but a work readable without reference to the Sanskrit original. The English translation of the commentary on the 44th, the last vewse, is not given as the important subject dealt with therein, namely, the higher value of the revealed word or scripture is to be found substantially in the closing pages of the Bhoomika. The rules of transliteration of Sanskrit words, in Roman script had to be overlooked because of printing inconvenience: but wherever a Sanskrit word occurs it is preceded by its English equivalent. In the closing part of the book is printed the original Tamil Ulladu Narpadu of Sri Maharshi, of which Sat-Darshan is the Sanskrit version, in other to be of use to the Tamil knowing reader. (K)
The Glory of Sivabhakti:- Sri Mahaganapti, who is sporting as the crest jewel on the picture1 of the universe drawn by Mother Girija, I salute for my heart’s fulfilment. With His elephant trunk, sitting on Mother Tripurasundari’s lap, that who is playing with the lotus adorning His mother’s bosom, and who is like a lion unto elephantine obstacles, I worship. I propitiate the six-faced Kumara, Parvati’s son, who is plauing in the laps of Girija & Girisa. I bow to the Sivabhaktas and wear on my head the dust of their feet, which is like the sun dispelling the nescience of latent tendencies of past lives. I also salute Sri Visnu, Brahma, Surya, Skanda, Hayagriva and munis like Upamanyu. In the Naimisaranya, munis ripened by prolonged practices of sacrifices, reverentially asked sage Suta, well versed in the eighteen Puranas: “O Suta, disciple of Vyasa knower of all the scriptures and of mature intelligence, doubtful minded that we are, seek clarification from you about certion philosophical matters. Where is the culmination of Vedanta, mantras, karmas, words of wisdom & mahavakyas? What causes the universe to be created again & again? How is it that enquiry into Vedanta, however properly undertaken & understood, is unable to eliminate bondage? Pray enlighten us by explaining these matters.”
“He is present within, pouring out his grace. In dire need he comes to the rescue whether souhgt or unsought. He is the most intimate being, our very Self.” -v..58,Sri Ramana Ashtottara Sri Ramana Maharshi, the sage of Arunachala — the boly mountaion of Lord Shive, was one of the world’s most influential spiritual teachers of our time. He taught the infallible way to Self-realisation theough his unique method of ‘Self-Enquiry’ & the total devotional surrender of the egotistic mind to the inner Satguru dwelling in each one’s spiritual heart. He always spoke from the high authority of direct Self-knowledge. He could, & still does, invoke the real Self pure Existence-Consciousness-Awareness-Love through the Silence of his Presence in his devotees. During his lifetime he led many to Self-realisation. His ashram at Tiruvannamalai is an active spiritual centre imparting the grace & knowledge of his Teaching. This brief biography acquaints you with significant details of his divine life & the essence of his Teaching.
“He is present within, pouring out his grace. In dire need he comes to the rescue whether souhgt or unsought. He is the most intimate being, our very Self.” -v..58,Sri Ramana Ashtottara Sri Ramana Maharshi, the sage of Arunachala — the boly mountaion of Lord Shive, was one of the world’s most influential spiritual teachers of our time. He taught the infallible way to Self-realisation theough his unique method of ‘Self-Enquiry’ & the total devotional surrender of the egotistic mind to the inner Satguru dwelling in each one’s spiritual heart. He always spoke from the high authority of direct Self-knowledge. He could, & still does, invoke the real Self pure Existence-Consciousness-Awareness-Love through the Silence of his Presence in his devotees. During his lifetime he led many to Self-realisation. His ashram at Tiruvannamalai is an active spiritual centre imparting the grace & knowledge of his Teaching. This brief biography acquaints you with significant details of his divine life & the essence of his Teaching. INTRODUCTION Sri Bhagavan Ramana Mahaeshi is univerally regarded as a great World Teacher & as the Supreme Guru. Tradition proclaims that every thousand or more years,a supreme guru, of the highest calibre, appears on this planet to set a new agenda for the coming millennium. This is Divine Grace, to assist all those perplexed men & woman trapped in samsara –the endless cycle of suffering births & rebirths - & wishing to wake up & free themselves from this bondage. The revered Adi Shankara was the last to fulfil this historic mission in the years between the 7th & 8th centuries AD. He clarified the eternal principles residing in the highest teaching of Advaita Vedanta which, when applied, leads to Self-realisation. In his commentaris on Sage Vyasa’a Brahma Sutras, he lucidly codified the ancient Non-dual Vedic Upanishadic knowledge into a systematir from, casy for assimilation by the men & woman of his day, & in the days to come. New Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi has appeared, upholding the teaching of Shankara, but bringing certain important innovations for this current millennium & the generations to come. Primarily, the Maharshi has made the great science of Self-Enquiry or Atma Vichara easier & brought it intothe open, making it readily available for all, & no longer kept as a secret to be revealed only to the initiatiated brahmin pupils of traditional gurus. Sri Bhagavan lat his Teaching encompass the Western world, as well as Asia, as it naturally did leading to his being recognised as a true Jagadguru, the World Teaching.
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