GOD LIVED WITH THEM (Life Stories of Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna)by Swami Chetananda

Other Religion Books

''Swami Chetananand's earlier book, They Lived with God, which preserves the life stories & testi-monis of twenty-eight of Ramakriskna's household disciples, now has an impressive sequel in this new book, God Lived with Them, the life stories & restimonies of Ramakishna's sixteen monastic disciples. Swami Chetanananda continues his usual critical pattern of mericulous resear-ch, careful documentation, engaging presentation & critical reflection. Devout followers of Ramak-rishna & curious outsiders will find in this new book a wealth of fascinating material about the Ma-ster, as well as intriguing anecdotes about the Master's immediate monastic disciples''