YOGA & PARAPSYCHOLOGY (Empirical Research & Theoretical Studies) K. RAMAKRISHNA RAO
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PARAPSYCHOLOGY: THE WESTERN PERSPSCTIVE Background :- The beginnings of parasychological studies in the West may be traced back to antiquity. In fact one could argue that western attempts at controlled observation & study of extraordinary human experiences such as premonitions, knowing the future intuitively, are as old as in India. For example, it is reported that King Croesus of Lydia sent his agents to the oracles in Egypt & Greece to check on their allied psychic abilities. The agents were instructed to questi-on the oracle at an appointed time what the King was doing. In other to fool the oracle, the King engaged himself in the unusual task of cooking in a kitchen at that time. However, the oracle at Delphi, it was reported, described accurately what the King was doing, convincing the King of her paranormal abilities (Dodds, 1973). Thus a field paraps-ychological experiment was successfully carried out some twenty-five centuries back. KARMA IN YOGA:-The doctrine of karma becomes more complex in later Hindu thought. The Yoga system, for exa- mple, incorporates it into its theory of mind. The mind, citta, contains samskaras & vasanas that predispose people to act in certain ways, to desire certain things & to believe in some ideas. Vasanas are the subliminal latencies acquired in this or previous births but recarried into the present. In other words vasanas & samskaras are the carriers of karma, the effects of past action. They are the vehicles through which karmic consequences may manifest. Samsk ar as may be cradicated by forming habits of contrary tendency. Also, the citta has latent power that can be used to restrain itself & give it a new directio. The yoga method of practice is recommended for achieving such volitional control. KARMA & REBIRTH IN BUDDHISM:- The doctrine of karma & rebirth is accepted by the Buddha; & it is central to various schools of Buddhism. In Milnda Panha we find Nagasena saying “it is through a difference in their karma that men are do not allalike.” Actions devoid of craving, desire & infatuaion do not produce effects in this life or later lives. In fact the potency for rebirth is latent in the act of craving without which actions would have no fruits good or bad. It is through desire that kaema finds its scope for giving fruit. With the cessation of desire there is nothing which can determine rebirth. THE MASTER KEY OF SAMYAMA & ITS MAGIC:- The three steps of astanga yoga that follows constitute a key concept in Yoga-Sutras. Dharana, dhyana & samadhi are together addressed as sanyama.