Meditation & Its Practices (by Swami Adiswarananda)
Other Religion Books
THE COMPLETES SOURCEBOOK FOR EXPLORING HINDUISM'S TWO MOST TIEM-HONOURED TRADITIONS OF MEDITATION Meditation is a necessity for the soul, a technique for withdeawing the mind so that the spirit can rest & rejuvenate. By practising meditation, we set in motion a process that leads to the restorati-on of our well-being__physical, mental, & spiritual. This comprehensive sourcebook examines the scientific, psychological, & spiritual properties of Yoga & Vedanta, Hinduism's two mainstream meditation practices, & explains how we can put th-ese teachings into practice to enrich our daily lives. Drawing on the sacred texts of Yoga & Veda-nta__including the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, & the Gospel of Ramakrishna, among many ot-hers__this guidebook illuminates the principles of each of these traditions, the meaning of meditat-ion, & the methods by which we can develop our concentration & self-control. By exploring the transformative powers of this ancient spiritual practice, this inspiring volune sho-ws us time-tested ways to refresh our souls & empower our phyiscal & apiritual selves with inn-ovative ways of meeting the challenges of modern life.