CHAKRAS Energy Centers of Transformation By HARISH JOHARI

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PRINCIPLES OF TANTRA:- OF ALL EXISTING ODIES that express themselves through behavior, the human body is the most highly evolved. It is capable of self-expression & the realization of Truth beyond the realm of sensory perception. With the help of memory, imagination, & intuition, the human organism can understand & grasp laws inherent in nature, & can put those forces that are mysterious (if seen with an ordinary eye) to work for its benefit, growth, & development. With the perfect synchronization of interior & exterior rhythms, one can follow the path of least resistance & float freely in the ocean of the phenomenal world without getting drowned. To be precise, the human body is the most perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness. Consciousness is the ultimate irreducible reality out of which, & by whose power, mind & matter proceed. The manifested reality as mind & matter is merely of the whole, or infinite reality. The mind limits consciousness so that the mind (the unit of consciousness) may have finite experiences. But in the broad spectrum form minerals to man there are various levels in which consciousness exists. In the world of names & forms (Sanskrit, name & rupa) there is nothing absolutely conscious or absolutely unconscious. Consciousness & unconsciousness are harmoniously interwoven in the phenomenal world—and in man, consciousness exists as self-consciousness, which makes him different from all forms of existing consciousness. KUNDALINI:- CHAKRAS, AS PREVIOUSLY, are not materially real, nor can they be described from a purely materialistic or physiological. Thus we must discuss the subtle aspects of these psychic centers, which work in coordination with nerves, cells, & fibers that are related through intermediate conductors with the gross system, the sense organs, & the work organs. It is important to expecially to those who wish to awaken Kundalini, that its material is the immobile support of all operations & activities in the body &, like consciousness, it has no organ. Kundalini maintains all the beings of the world by means of inspiration & expiration. Kundalini is a vital force. The word kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word kundal, which means “coil.” It is compared with a serpent that, while resting & sleeping, lies coiled. The comparison between a serpent & Kundalini comes because of the nature of its movement, which is spiraling & serpent-like. Kundlini is an aspect of the eternal, supreme consciousness, which is both with without attributes. In the attributeless (nirguna) aspect it is the well of cosmic consciousness, & is pure consciousness. In the aspect with attributes (saguna), this energy is often personified as Kundalini, an aspect of the Great Goddess, just as primal energy, or skakti, is personified as Skalti. It is through the power of Kundalini that all creatures act. In individual bodies the same energy lies dormant, as a staic center around which every form of existence revolves. In the phenomenal world there is always a power in & behind every activity, a static background.