Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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Sri Anandamayee Ma, the Purna Brahma Narayana, appeared on this earth of ours a century ago in a mortal form, to spread the message of love and spiritualism.Her innumerable devotees had the good fortune of having a taste of that divine loue and a vision of that celestial presence.
The geratest achievement of my life was the day I met Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee. Mydevotion and feelings for her cannot be expressed in worlds. It is only through her grace and blessings. That I got the strength and determination to write some of the Divine Lila's of Sri Ma.
This book contains a selection from Sri Anandamayi Ma’sreplies to oral questions, recorede at meetings of Iarge & small groups. They have been arranged, not in chronological order but, as far as possible, according to subjects. The simpler ones have been path & Self-realization ; with a great variety of prpbl-ems –practical, philosophical,& metaphysical—as encountered by seekers after Truth at various stages of their quest. In her replies Hataji * responds exactly to the inquirer’s capacity to understand, his specific disposition& line of approach. She throws light on every question from many different standpoints. In fact, in her utterances we find united every creed & philosophy, every school of thought & method of yoga, --yet she stands above & beyond them all. It has been said of her that she has right word, at the right time, in the right manner, for every seeker after Truth, be he a believer in any faith or an agnostic, an intellectual or an artist, a scholar or an illiterate, a beginner or highiy advanced on the path. Just as the earth provides for each plant the substance necessry for its growth, even so does Sri Anandamayi Ma guide every aspirant, according to his uniqueness & his need at any particular
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