Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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(1.) The present work brings together some papers from a number of writers, Indian & Non-Indian, on what each of them thinks about Mother Anandamayi & of the reacion of each to the influence of Her superb personality. All tgere writers claim to be among Her devout admirers, & though some of them may have known Her for a short time only, others have been privileged to be in more or less close touch with Her for several years. (2.) I have been asked by friends to write a few lines in appreciation of Mother which might be prefixed to the present volume as a brief introd-uction. (3.) Therefore, sympathise with those to whom Mother is verily a riddle. She is so very unlike ordinary or even extraordinary persons known to us that it is extremely hard to make any positive statement about Her with any degree of confidencece of accuracy.
''It cannot be that anybody , anywhere is not my very own I am with you at all times.'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ciothed in spotless white ... the image of simplicity and gentleness, Anandamayee /ma was one of most influential spiritual teachers of our time. Her devotees ranbed from prime minisers to wenowned saints to humble villagers.*******************************************(INCLUDES THREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE CARDS OF ANANDAMAYEE MA FOR YOUR ALTAR - SHRINE)*************{New Edition }
ANANDAMAYI was a simple country girl from a remote village on the easternmost border of India who become a personality of the highest spiritual distinction. Like her great predecessor, Shankaracharya, she encompassed all castes, faiths & creeds on a journey which took her to all four extremities of the Indian subcontinent. Drawing extensively on her won words & advice to followers, RICHARD LANNOY reveals person-ality at once both breathtakingly simple & an enigma of fathomless complexity. His high-speed action photography captures her essence while his text recounts her dramatic spiritual metamorphosis from youthful ecstatic to venerable sage. WORDS OF ANANDAMAYI: Short Communications 1 Question: What are you in reality? Answer: How could such a question arise in your heart? The vision of gods & goddesses appe-ars in accordance with one’s inherited disposition. I am what I was & what I shall be; I am wh-atever you conceive, think or say. But, more to the point, this body has not come into being to reap the fruits of past karma. Why don’t you take it that this body is the material embodi-ment of all your thoughts & ideas? You all have wanted it & you have it now. So play with this doll for a little while. Further questions on this matter would fruitless.
I have been asked to write a few words by way of introducing a book which really introdces itself. It is difficult to realise that Sri Anandamayi Ma is no longer with us phyiscally. For many She continues to be a living presence. If therefore, I write of Her in the past tense I do so from my own limite vision, & from memories of Her in the ni-neteen fifties. I write descriptively, as one person from the West who has been deeply affected by an encounter, over several years, with Sri Anandamayi Ma. I would particularly like to address these words to those who never met Her, or saw Her but seldom & fleetingly. I hope those who knew Her far better than I will forgive the limitations of my own experience & understanding. It was in Almora, where I opent my summer holidays in May—June 1943 that I had my first darshan of Mataji. I had heard about Her from various people & all of them had spoken highly of Her, but for some reason or other I had not been to see Her until’then. I was in fact searching for spiritual guidance, however, the thought that She could be the one I was longing to find, did not enter my mind. I was therefore not in a hurry to meet Her.********************************
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