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Shree Aurbindo
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If you look at uourself carefully, you will see that one always carries in oneself the virlise (I use ''-virtue in its widest & highest sense). You have a special aim, a special aim, a special mission, a s-pecial realisation which is your very own, each one individually, & you carry in yourself all the ob-stacles necessary to make your realisation perfect. Always you will see that within you the shad-ow & the light are equal: you have an ability, you have also the negation of this ability. But if you d-iscover a very black hole, a thick shadow, be sure there is somewhere in you a great light. It is up to you to know how to use the one to eralise the other. Evil is simply holding one's vision on one small angle: tham one says, ''It is evil'' , but if one sees the entire path... In a total consciousness, obviously there is on evilo. There are no contraries. No contraries-- not even contradictions: I say; no contraries. It is that Unity, it is living in that Unity.
Lights on the Upanishads:- It has become a practice to see the contents of the Upanishads purely from an intellectual viewpoint. According to the seers of the Upanishads, the truths in these books should be realized by every individual. The process of realization is termed as Sadhana. The Upanishads are manuals of Sadhana. The hints on Sadhana are called as vidyas. ‘Lights on the Upanishads’ contains a detailed discussion of the six vidyas. Within the purview of the six vidyas discussed hers, Sri T.V. Kapali Sastry has hinted at several modes of consolidation of Sadhana. It will facilitate to Sadhaka to evolve himself to the staure whose range spreads from the mere materiality to the super human / super divine levels of the super consciousness.
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IN THIS BOOK, one of the most reapected spiritual Masters of our time brings the virtues an ancient path of yoga to life for seekers in the modern world. Swami Chidvilasananda, widely known as Gurumayi, re-introduces you to your own grealessness, revernce, freedom from anger, compassion - these divine qualities, she says, are not noly within our reach; they areat home within us.
AUROBINDO was born on August 15th, 1872, in Calautta. His father, a man of great ability & stro-ng personality, had been among the first to go to England for his education. He returned entirely anglicised in habits, ideas &ideals,----so strongly that his Aurobindo as a child spoke English & Hi-ndustani only & learned his mother-tonhue only after his return from England. He was determined that his children should receive an entirely Enropean upbringing. While in India they were sent for the beginning of their education to an lrish nuns' school in Darjeeling & in 1879 he took his three sons to England & placed them with an English clergyman & his wife with strict instructions that they should not be allowed to make the acquaintance of any Indian or undergo any Indian influen-ce. These instructions were carried out to the letter & Aurobindo grew up in entier ignorance of India, her people, her religion &her culture.
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