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    INTRODCTION:-The devotees if Sri Ramakrishna firmly believe that the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna contains the essence of all the scriptures. Besides, we do not know of any other work in which spiritual truths have been explained in such a simple manner as in this book, so as to be easily understood by everyone. So, there is no doubt that it is extremely beneficial for everyone to study & assimilate the teachings of the Gospel. Repetitions in the Scriptures :- In the Gospel one may find that the same thing is repeated in different places. Far from being imperfections, these repetitions are extremely beneficial. Our scriptures are considered eternal. As Sri Krishna says in the Gita: ‘That ancient Yoga itself has been taught to you by me today.’ What was said in ancient times repeatedly was restated by Him to Arjuna in the Gita. God appears age after age & declares the same eternal truths of religion. Repeated incarnations of God & His repetition of the same eternal truths does not suffer from redundancy. The scriptures never tire in putting across the same message again. This is because our minds are such that even after hearing something time & again, it is doubtful if anything is registered at all. That is why the scriptures unceasingly repeat it . It is like a mother instructing her child repeatedly for its benefit. She does not get irritated repeating something again & again, for her only concern is the welfare of her child. In the same way the scriptures repeat things in various ways. We come across the same pattern in the Gospel. Sri Ramakrishna’s nephew, Hriday, asked him once: ‘Will, uncle, why do you say the some thing time & again? Sri Ramakrishna replied: ‘Why should I not?’ The idea is that if the same advice is not repeated time & again how can it make an impression on distracted minds like ours? That is why the scriptures must repeat things, & we should hear them repeatedly. Hence the sastras never suffer from redundancy. It is said in the Bhagavata that the sages stated on one occasion that the words of God are ‘Sweet, sweet at every stage’. The more we hear them the more we gain renewed strength, as it were, thus enabling us to taste their essence with greater vigour. As days pass by & as we hear these words more & more, our understanding grows deeper, & we absorb their sweetness in greater measure. It is therefore necessary to listen to them often.
    Rs 125/=

    Other Religion Books

    The uniqueness of Sri Ramakrishna lies not only in that he practiced various spiritual disciplines of Hinduism & other religions, but also in that he realized God through each path. From his own experience he could proclaim, ‘As many faiths, so many paths.’ Men & woman of all classes came to him, irresistibly drawn by the power of his words of his—a power drawn from his exrraordinary realizations & which penerrated to the very depths of their being. Though he used simple words profound. Fortunately, many of these wonderful conversations were recorded with almost stenographic accuracy by one of his disciples, & they were later published in Bengali under the title Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita & in English as The Gospel of Sri Sri Ramakrishna. The present work is based on the weekly discourses given by Swami Bhuteshananda on the Sri Sri Ramakrishna. During his illuminating discussions, the Swami consistently went to the heart of the Master’s words & uncovered the deeper meaning behind his simple utterances. With the Swami’s guidance given in this volume we are able to comprehend more easily Sri Ramakrishna’s sayings in the light of the ancient scriptures as well as modern thought. Once, while explaining the significance of his Master’s life, Swami Vivekananda said: ‘The life of Sri Ramakrishna was an extraordinary search light, under whose illumination one is able to really understand the whole scope of the Hindu religion. He showed by his life what the rishis & avataras really wanted to teach. The book were theories, he was the realization. This man had in fifty-one years lived the five thousand years of national spiritual life, & so raised himself to be an object-lesson for future generations.
    Rs 125/=

    Other Religion Books

    SRI RAMAKRISHNA ON HIMSELF(From The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna) :-Sri Ramakrishna was sitting in his room at Dakshineswar….. It was evening, eight o’clock on Sunday, August 9, 1885. Sri Ramakrishna was talking to Mahimacharan Rakhal, M., & one or two companions of Mahimacharn were in the room. Mahimacharan was going to spend the night at the temple garden. The Master came down to the floor & sat near Mahimacharan…. M., & a few other devotees were near him. Rakhal also was in the room. MASTER (to Mahima): ‘For a long time I have wanted to tell you my spiritual experiences, but I could not. I feel like telling you today. You say that by mere sadhana one can attain a state of mind like mine. But it is not so. There is something special here [referring to himself].’ Rakhal, M., & the others became eager to hear what the Master was going to say. MASTER: ‘God talked to me. It was not merely His vision. Yes, He talked to me. Under the banyan-tree I say Him coming from the Ganges. Then we laughed so much! By way of playing with me He cracked my fingers. Then He talked. Yes, He talked to me. ‘For three days I wept continuously. And He revealed to me what is in the Vedas, the Puranas, the Tantras, & the other scriptures. ‘One day He showed me the maya of Mahamaya. A small light inside a room began to grow, & at last it enveloped the whole universe. ‘Further, He revealed to me a huge reservoir of water covered with green scum. The wind moved a little of the scum & immediately the water became visible; but in the twinkling of an eye, scum from all sides came dancing in & again covered the water. He revealed to me that the water was like Satchidananda, & the scun like maya. On account of maya, Satchidananda is not seen. Though now & then one may get a glimpse of It, again maya covers It. ‘God reveals the nature of the devotees to me before they arrive. I saw Chaitanya’s party singing & dancing near the Panchavati, between the banyan-tree & the bakul-tree. I noticed Balaram there. . . (Pointing to M.) And I saw him too.
  • SRI TANTRALOKAH (Abhinavagupta Tantra Series :2) Text with English Translation Chapter Two, Three, Four

    Other Religion Books

    Tantraloka is a MAGNUM OPUS of the Indian Tantrika-world, written in the Tenth Century, in the light of Kashmir Saivism by the great polymath Sri Abhinavagupta. This great work does not only include all the philosophical & Tantrika essence of monistic Kashmir Saivismbut is also often considered the apex of Indian Tantrika Philosophy. Abhinavagupta explains in detail in its thirty seven chapters the all-inclusive vision & way to truth, the Prakasa state of Parama Siva. This publication is the first attemot to unfold this Prakasa (Light) for the English-speaking horizon.

    Other Religion Books

    Srimad Bhagavata, an epic does not need any introduction to the learned people because it has been a treasure to them from the time immemorial. Besides, it has been a source of inspiration to those who treat it as a great classic, being a part of literature. So far as its linguistic meaning is concerned, it may fairly be said that Srimad stands for Sri, meani-ng beauty & prosperity of goddess Laksmi & ‘mad’ meaning the beauty & prosperity of goddess Laksmi & ‘mad’ meaning the form of Madana or Kamadeva. As such combining both Srimad stands for “ exquisitely beautiful”. The word Bhagavata has been derived from the word ‘Bhaga’, meaning the six divine grsces collectively named riches, vigour, fame, beauty, knowledge & renunciation. From this it may be deduced that Srimad Bhagavata is a gem of good qualities. Thia classic epic has severla parts maned as Skandas ( or books) of outstanding value. However, because of its thematic value & grandeur in style, adopted by the composer, it is also termed as Ma- hapurana. In fact, the sage Vedavyasa, over & above the work expansion of Vedas, had composed Vedanta-Sutra, Mahabharata & seventeen Puranas including Padmapurana before composing Sri- mad Bhagavata Mahapurana. The central theme of this Mahapurana is meaning “meditating on the tainless & immortal highest truth or reality in the Purusa—Supreme Lord Vasudeva.” Epic projects this theme from the start (1/1/1) to finish (12/13/19) spread over in the body of this classic. It is told that the only truth is Lord Vasudeva since everything else is transcendental. The worship of tr- uth runs from Book One to Book Twelve & wherever you move, you get the touch of truth in some form of Purusa-Supreme i.e. Lord Vasudeva. The various forms of Lord Vasudeva spread over Srim-ad Bhagavata include incarnations as the divine Boar, Lord Kapila, Lord Nrsimha, the divine Dwarf, Lord Sri Krsna, Lord Balarama, & Lord Rama also.
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