Pramhansa Yogananda
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THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST (The Resurrection of the Cbrist Witbin you) Sri Sri Paeamahansa Yogananda
Pramhansa Yogananda
Author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi ********* ''In titling this work The Second Coming of Christ,I am not referring to a literal return of Jesus to earth ....... Athousand Christs sent to earth would not redeem its people unless they themselves became Chrislike by purifing and expanding their individual consciousness to receive therein the second coming of the Christ Consciousness, as was manifested in Jesus... Contact with this Consciousness, experienced in the ever new joy of meditation, will be the read second coming of Christ- and it will take place right in the devotss's own consciousness.''
395/=(for set of Vol.1&2)THE VOICE OF BABAJI (A TRILOGY ON KRIYA YOGA)by V.T. Neelakantan S.A.A. Ramaiah & Babaji Nagaraj
Pramhansa Yogananda
''The Voice of Babaji & Mysticism Unlocked, Babaji's Masterkey to All Ills (Kriya),' & Babaji's Death of Death (Kriya), "reprinted here, are profound & importants from one of the world's greatest living spiritual masters. The author, Satguru Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, predicted that thay would eventually be a powerful source of inspiration & suppurt for the Mission of Kriya Yoga: unity in diversity, world peace & God-realization. These works are rare gems, which will inspire all who aspire for a higherlife. (CANADA) INDICA BOOKS.
650/=The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita (Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda) Swami Kaiyananda
Pramhansa Yogananda
THIS BOOK, WHICH COMES AFTER THE PUBLICATION of Self-realization's (Yogoda Satsanga Society's) God talka With Ariuna, has been written answer to a publicly expressed need for a simpler and clearer version.
295/=Visits to Saints India By Swami Kriananda
Pramhansa Yogananda
Introduction :- This is the story of a spiritual journey—in most ways, a deeply personal pilgrimage. Yet it has become a journey and a pilgrimage also for others too who may at truth-seekers today. For them, and for others too who may at least have wondered about the magical lure of India, this account of my recent experiences may help to inspire and instruct—and, yes, perhaps also to soften an element of shock that awaits many Westerners on their first exposure to that ancient, incredibly complex civilization. I don’t believe anyone can really understand a nation, or of that matter another human being, unless his understanding is rooted in love. And even at that I doubt that his insights will be worth sharing unless they are based on a familiarity of several years—or, failing in that, on an acquaintance of less than one week. Does this last alternative sound flippant? First impressions often do penctrate straight to the heart of things. And even if later they out to have been mistaken, they usually manage at least to remain interesting. Thirteen years ago, on the strength of a single day spent in Galilee, I got an article accepted by the Jerusalem Post. Had I remained there a year, I wonder if I would have found as much to say. Destiny beckoned me to Inida almost from the first. I had been with him less than six months when, one day, looking at me with a quier, he said, “I have plans for you.” I knew at onec that he was thinking of sending me to India, and at first I was overjoyed. Then suddenly the realization struck me that this would mean leaving him. Him was my India! To me, always, the two have remained inextricably one. To my relief I then learned that he too was planning to go. For three years in a row, out of compassion for his many devotees in Inida, he tried to make the journey. But it was not to be, and I see now, from quiet hints he dropped, that he had always known it. As he often did, he was only directing our future thoughts—bending a few twigs to help the branches to grow the way he wanted them to. The last year that we planned to go was 1952, the year he left his body. But the naxt six years I continued to serve in Self-Realiztion Fellowship, the international organization which he had founded, and to wait for the opportunity, always expected, to visit Inida.
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