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If You cirild feel even a particle of divine LOVE, so great would be your joy- so overpawering- you cquld not centainit.
brilliantly encapsulates the essential keys to bringing pearth on earth with seed thughts for each day of the month. Each affirmation is presented in a straghtforward manner that allows you to repeat and remember it. The potent guide to meditaion will help you to tap the well-spring of joy and inner peace within you.
Secerts you'll want to share with others.This little book can change your life. Open it to any page to unlock the hidden power wiyhin you. You'll find one secet for each day of the month.
''Manking is engaged is an eternal quest for that 'SOMETHINGELSE' he hopes will bring him happlness complete & unending for those in diviedual Souls who hove sought & found God ,the searchin over! He is that Something Elre''
The Himalayan Yogi Vedantist, Vidyaratna, Sanskrit Scholar, former Law professor, & Attorney, the author of Babaji & His Legacy, The Divine Incarnation, Biography of a Yogi, & The Six Systems.______________________________________________________________________ 1.ATMA KRIYA - The Science of Breath ******************************************************************** 2.THE CHANDI - Stories & Commentaries******************************************************************** 3.THE RAMAYAN - Stories & Commentaries**************************************************************** 4.THE MAHABHARAT - Spiritual Characters & the Bhagavad Gita************************************** 5.THE DHAMMAPADA - Path of Dharma********************************************************************* 6.THE hOLY BIBLE - The Old Testament********************************************************************* 7.THE HOLY QURAN - Commentaries************************************************************************ 8.THE HOLY BIBLE - The New Testament******************************************************************* 9. THE GURU GRANTHA SAHIB - Japaji********************************************************************** 10.THE KRIYA SUTRAS - And the Author
Rs 600/= & U.S.A.$ 75.00
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