Sri Ramana Maharshi
VEDANTIC TRADITTION IN SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI:- SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI represents the pure tradition in Adwaita Vedanta. In this article I propose to examine certain aspects of the life & teachings of Maharshi that have appealed to me as verification of Vedantic truths. Our Homage To Sri Ramana Maharshi:- A saint is as great a necessity of human society as a great scientist, a great thinker & a great leader, – nay even greater. For a scientist discovers the secrets of life & of the universe; a thinker tries to understand the meaning & purpose of existence; & leader tries to shape & transform humanity of a portion of it according to his own notions of what is ought to be; whereas a saint is one who makes whole-hearted effort to realize in himself, in his own life, the highest & furthest possibilities of human life, which in a natural course of evolution may take centuries to actualize. A saint is a man perfected, a fulfilled hope of humanity, a successful experiment in human sublimation, & a source of inspiration & guidance to the travelers on the path to perfection. He is the embodiment of the highest values of humanity, an indubitable indication that ideals can be made real, that man can be what he ought to be, here & now. His life is a measure of man’s manhood, when it is lived in the midst of humanity & not in sanctified seclusion. It is practical solution of the various puzzles of life, provided it is a comprehensive one. Considered from various points of view, a saint is the greatest asset of human society. A perfected being, he is the eternal beacon-light to the sadhakas all the world over. THE GRANDEUR OF ADVAITA:- The visit I had the honour to pay in May 1936 to Tiruvannamalai was only a short noe. It was long enongh, anyhow, to impress me with a strong feeling that I had met there, for a few moments, with a genuine Vidvan, an exceptionally true representative of Hindu spirituality. An my souvenirs from this visit have already been published in a French catholic review, les Etudes carmelitaines, I shall have to give to the present reflexions a more impersonal character. MY HUMBLE & HEART-FELT HOMAGE TO SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI:- Though quite a few years have elapsed since I had the privilege of being in the presence of Sri Maharshi, the tremendous impression made on me at that time had remained undimmed.