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THE MAHABHARATA & THE YUGAS (India’s Great Poem & the Hindu System of World Ages) Luis Gonzalez-Rrimann
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This book questions the conventional wisdom that a fully matured theory of the yugas—Minduism’s ages of the world—is integral to the Mahabharata, & it illustrates how traditional commentators & modern scholars have read the later Puranic yuga theory into then Mahabharata in particular when it comes of the current terrible Kali Yuga. Luis Gonzalez-Reimann discusses the meaning of key terms in the epic by examining the text & early Buddhist sources. This book also teaces the sectarian appropriation of the yuga system in later literature & documents how modern religious movements have used the system to proclaim the arrival of a new, prosperous Krta Yuga, a phenomenon that coincides with New Age expectations. One of the main characteristic features of Hinduism is a complex system of world ages & cycles of creation & destruction. Within this elaborate system, the theory of the yugas has always played a prominent role. It explains why society is as it is, & it describes the best course of action for someone who wants to live according to religious principles. The theory also explains, in mythological terms, important historical transformations in the religious, moral, & social values of the Indian subcontinent. The system of yugas was formed at a crucial time in the history of India, a long preiod stretching from approximately the fifth century B.C.E. to the fifth C.E. In the early part of this period, the dominic Vedic teadition was forced to adapt & transform in order to survive. This was a time of profound changes in all spheres: social, political, economic, religious, & philosopgical. The challenges that confronted the authoritative religious traditions of the time also gave rise to new ideas that would become powerful new religious traditions in their own right. This period saw the emergence of Buddhism & Jainism, &, somewhat later, the reworked brahmanic religion we know today as Hinduism.
Other Religion Books
Though he is considered one of the foremost of India's philosophers, Shankara is also one of tme most misunderstood . Much of the misundestanding of Shankara's position may by due to the absence of a lucid presentation of the life and works in a comprehensive and readable form. This short monograph is an attempt to meet that need for the benefit of those who have no previous acquaintance3 with philosophy.
Other Religion Books
Swami Vivekananda is regarded as the patriot saint of modern India & an inspirer of her dormant national consciousness. His inspiring personality was well known both in India & the West. This spiritual leader of India leapt into fame at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, at which he represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern & Western culture as well as his deep spiritual insight, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy, & colourful personality evoked popular interest in Hindu philosophy. He introduced the philosophy of Vedanta to the west & preached the ideal of a strength-giving & man-making religion. Service to man as the visible manifestation of the Godhesd was the special form of worship he advocated. In this volume Gautam Sen pieces together the representative portions of the Swami’s philosophy along with a running commentary of his own
195/=THE ORIGINS OF YOGA AND TANTRA (Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century) GEOFFREY SAMUEL
Other Religion Books
Yoga, tantra nad other forms of Asian meditation are practised in modernised forms throghout the world today, but most introductions to Hinduism or Budhism tell only part of the story of how they developed. this book is an interpetation of the history of Indic religions up to around 1200 CE, with particular focus on the development of yogic and tantric traditions.
995/=THE PANCHADASI OF SRIMAD VIDYARNYA SWAMI (English Translation by Nanda Lal Dhole)
Other Religion Books
Madhava, Madhavarya, Madhvacharya, & Madhyavamtya were the names by which Vidyaranya Swami use to pass prior to his turning into a recluse. He wrote many works, all of which attest his learning & erudition. He wrote on medicine, grammar, astrology beides writing commenaties on the four Vedas known by the name of Madhavprakash Sarvadarshansangraha. & others. The Panchadsi is an important text on the Vedantic philosophy. It consists of fifteen chapters written by Srimat Vidyara-nya Swami. The present book discusses Vedantic philosophy with critical notices of the other contending systems. It embraces dissertations on Cosmology, Psychology, Evolution, Yoga & Emancipation. It is a complete clue for the comprehension of the Science of Man, his relation to the Universe, & his ultimate destiny. It clears out the mistaken notions concerning lsvara & Paragrahma & reviews Theism & Pantheism in all its aspects. It is an exhaustive key to Esoteric Science.
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