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YOGA PHILOSOPHY OF PATANJALI:- ON CONCENTRATION :- Now Then Yoga Is eing Explained.1. The world ‘Atha’ (now then)(1) indicaten the commencement of a subject which is under discussion. It is to be understood that the Sastra dealing with the regulations relating to Yoga is now going to be explained (2). Yoga means concentration (Samadhi) (3). It is a feature of the mind in all its habitual states (4), i .e. concentration or Samadhi is possible in whatever state the mind may be. Such states (5) are five in number, viz. Ksipta (restless), Mudha (stupefied), Viksipta (distracted), Ekagra (onepointed), & Niruddha (arrested). Of these, in the concentration that is attainable by a distracted mind (6) the moment of concentration is suborinated to the moments of unrest. Such concentration cannot, therefore, be regarded as pertaining properly to Yoga (7). But the concentration attained by a mind which is one-pointed (8),i.e. occupied with one thought, which brings enlightenment about a real entity, weakens the Klesas (9), loosens the bonds of karma (10) and paves the way to the arrested state (11), of the mind, is called Samprajnata-yoga (12). Samprajnata-yoga conceens (a) Vitarka, (b) Vichara, (c) Ananda (d) Asmita. This will be dealt with later. The concentration that is attainable when all the modificaations of the mind-stuff are set at rest is called Asamprajnata. At Other Times The Seer Appears To Assume The Form Of the Modification Of The Mind.4. The modifications of mind that take place in the empirical state appear identified with the Seer. Panchasikha has said on this point: “Consciousness is one ; cognitive modification is Consciouness (2).” That is to say, in popular erroneous conception, a particular cognittive moddification of Buddhi is taken to be the same as Consciousness. Mind is like a magnet & acts only in proximity (3), and by its charcter of being an object it appears to become the property of Purusa, its owner (4). That is how the beginningless association of the mind & Purusa operates as the condition of the mental modification being revealed to Purusa (5)