Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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We are happy to present this commemoration Volume to the general public on the occasion of the 100th birth of Mahamahopadhyaya Padmavibhusana Pandit Gopi Nath Kaviraj. It was the decision of the Centenary Celebration Committee to bring out the volume in four different sections, in each of the four languages in which Kavirajji wrote. Originally. the late Dr Jaideva Si-ngh was assigned the responsibility of preparing the English scetion. The sudden death of this discerning scholar dealt a severe blow to the activties of the board of editors. “Navonmesa” , the name given to this volume, is indeed very signficant. The articles contained herein aim at nava-unmesa, revealing new asspects of the topics selceted. Kavirajji helped to develop the insight of the enquirers who approached him.
We are happy to present this commemoration Volume to the general public on the occasion of the 100th birth of Mahamahopadhyaya Padmavibhusana Pandit Gopi Nath Kaviraj. It was the decision of the Centenary Celebration Committee to bring out the volume in four different sections, in each of the four languages in which Kavirajji wrote. Originally. the late Dr Jaideva Si-ngh was assigned the responsibility of preparing the English scetion. The sudden death of this discerning scholar dealt a severe blow to the activties of the board of editors. “Navonmesa” , the name given to this volume, is indeed very signficant. The articles contained herein aim at nava-unmesa, revealing new asspects of the topics selceted. Kavirajji helped to develop the insight of the enquirers who approached him.
This book was written at the request of the mahant of our ashram to fulfill a particular need. There aer many beautiful and authoritative book written about the life and teaching of Shree Shree Maa Anandamayee Ma. But it seems all the existing books aer rather lengthy, somewhat expenisve and only available from a limit 1qed number of sources. It appeared that what was lacking was a brief biogeaphy that included the high points of Ma's life, with a few suitable illustrations, that retained, brevity. Such a book could be widely distributed, purchased cheaply, read briefly, and hopefully begin to acquaint people with the divine life of the Personage known as Anandamayee Ma.
seeing the radiant face of Ma Anandamayee & hearing Her laughter, you guess that She is an incarnation of joy. Touched by the caress of Her glance you know that Her heart is over flowing with love for all beings. Listening to Her teaching , so simple & clear, you understand that She is in possession of all wisdom. But ont cannot say, whether it is Joy, Love or Wisdom that is the source of all this, for with Her all three are inxtricably & indissolubly mingled—one could not exist without the other. The Joy which Maanandamayee lives is not that which we know in the which pleasure & pain, hope, regret & disillusionment, a-ttraction & repulsion follow on each other’s heels, born of another. Nor is it an ego-centric calm of the stoci rigidity that erects around itself a rampart of indifference. Here is an overflowing irrepressible Joy that expresses itself in gaiety, that knows on o- bstacles, because it is deeply rooted in the Absolute, beyond the dualities of good & evil, I & not-I, of pleasant & unpleasant, because its unshakable base is Love & Wisdom.
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