Maa Anandmayi's book collection
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CONTENTS.. 1. A Broad Outline of the Yoga Philosophy 2. The Psychology of Yoga.. 3. The Five Great Vows.. 4. From the Yamas of the Niyamas.. 5. The Niyamas—Effective Weapons to Destroy the Citadel of the Senses.. 6. Creating a New Mind through Satsanga, Sravana & Svadhyaya.. 7. Isvarapranidhana or Self-surrender.. 8. The Wider Aspects of the Process of Isvarapranidhana.. 9. Asana & Pranayama.. 10. Conquest of Tamo-guna Prakriti.. 11. Pratyahara—Crux of Raja Yoga Sadhana.. 12. Indispenadble Aids of the Practice of Pratyahara.. 13. More About Pratyahara.. 14. The Mental Menagerie or the World of the Inner Prakiti.. 15. Focusing the Mind in Antaranga Yoga.. 16. More About Antaranha Yoga Sadhana.. 17. All Yoga is One.. 18. The Paramount Omportance of Brahacharya.. 19. Some Questions Answered..
With great delight we place before the aspirant-world, the present work 'Adhyatma Yoga' by Sw-ami Sivanandaji Maharaj' the world renowned sage, who needs no introduction. This book contai-ons over form hundred highly illuminating, & inspiring poems on a variety of subjects connected with religion, philosophy, ets., & will serve as a happy companion to the author's other poem-books published already, viz. 'Wisdom Sparks', 'Wavesof Bliss', Jnana Jyoti', & Wisdom in Humour'.
Coming as it does from the pen of a realised sage, this book is rich in sagely & wit, & should prov- e an invaluable asset to every seeker in his onward march to God-head. We hope the aspirant w-orld will take advantage of this precions boon,study it, assimilate the wisdom contained in it, & pra- ctising it in their everyday life, expedite their march to Perfection, Peace & glory.
ABUOT THIS BOOK:- The talks in this book are powerful messages to whichever group might receive them, but they are especially powerful for a Western audience. Swami Chidananda must have given the talks with the Western perspective and cultural conditioning in mind. He has been able to distil the wisdom of the East into ideas and examples that relate directly to the life experience of the Westerners who heard the talks or who might be reading them here in this book. One would feel that everything has been explained and nothing has been left out. What is more Swamiji’s great love and compassion are clearly evident in his talks, and the current of spiritual force that flows out of the talks will bring the reader to a greater understanding of the highest truths. Swamiji is an ideal person to teach the dharma in the West; he is a South Indian Brahmin who had his education in English-speaking Christian schools and who has been familiar with Western culture religion from a very early age. Beginning in 1959 with a tour of Europe Canada, the United States & South America that lasted two years, Swamiji would continue to travel to the West regularly. One very significant tour occurred over a three years period from 1968 to 1971. By that time Swamiji had an assistant who would be his constant travelling secretary—s. Nagarajan (now Swami Vimalananda). In this extended tour, Swami & S. Nagarajan were invited to numerous countries in Africa, many of the countries of Europe, including Belgium. France, Holland, the U.K., Germany & Italy, and then to the United States & Canada, later to South America, and finally across the Pacific to Fiji, Australia, Hong Kong the Phillipines, Malaysia & Sri Lanka. The extensive touring continued from 1071 until 1996. Swamiji visited South Africa almost every year, the U.S. approximately fifteen times and Europe almost twenty times. In each of the places they visited, Swamiji would meet with people, hold satsangs, and give spiritual talks. S. Nagarajan would tape record each of the talks and faithfully transcribe them, over the years he accumulated a treasure trove of transcribed talks that would eventually come to fill a very large suitcase. It is from those many wonderful spiritual discources that the talks that make up this book have been chosen. INTRODUCTION:- How precious a gift it is to be able to come into contact with a great sage, even if that contact may be person to person. A book alone might not always match the experience of being in the direct, physical presence of a saint who is merged in God-consciousness, but yet, the written words of such a great soul still have the capacity to guide, inspire, encourage and illumine. A sincere seeker can often recognize the power inherent in the written teachings, and he may feet that the sage is in fact present in the words that are being read. At the same time, what might the presence of a great saint be like, and what might be the effect of his company? Some years ago Christmas retreat was being held in the Sivananda Asharm in Rishikesh, India, & Swami Chidanada had been asked to come and speak to the participants. A Catholic nun from Ireland who was visiting India for the first time was in the retreat and in attendance at this talk. She had acknowledged beforehand that she had a fair amount of skepticism about India & Hinduism, and she thought it might be difficult to completely open herself to something so foreign to her own tradition. Nevertheless, she was eager to meet this man that she heard so much about.Swami Chidananda entered the hall with the usual graceful bearing, the keen awareness of others and the worshipfulness that characterize his life. Swamiji did nothing other than take his seat, arrange some things with his assistants and smile at some of the people in the audience. This nun was watching all this and seemed to be very present and alert to all that was happening, but after only a few moments she began to cry. Swamiji had till that point to still not addressed the audience, so her response was only due to his physical presence. Someone leaned over to her and asked if she was okay. She looked up with a face filled with immense emotion and said, “I feel like I have just seen Jesus.” This book contains thirty-six inspiring and enlightening discources from Swami Chidananda given in Western countries his many tours there. Swamiji is an ideal person to teach the dharma in the West; he is a South Indian Brahmin who had his education in English-speaking Christian school and who has been familiar with Western culture and religion from a very early age. The talks are sufficient in themselves, but the editors felt that a little something helpful could also be added to them—similar to adding a bit of tasty sugar to a cup of tea. This helpful addition is the so-called “Literary Interlude,” which comes in the middle of the book. It is a selection of Swamiji’s letters written to a Western devotee, and content of these letters gives a good indication of what Swamiji is like as a person, a friend and as a spiritual teacher.
The talks in this book are powerful messages to whichever group might receive them, but they are especially powerful for a Western audience. Swami Chidananda must have given the talks with the Western perspective & cultural conditioning in mind. he has been able to distil the wisdom of the East into ideas & examples that relate directly to the life experience of the Westerners who heard the talks or who might be reading them here in this book. One would feel that everything has been explained & nothing has been left out. What is more, Swamiji’s great love & compassion are clearly evident in his talks, & the current of spiritual force that flows out of the talks will bring the reader to a greater understanding of the highest truths. Swamiji is an ideal person to teach the dharma in the West; he is a South Indiain Brahmin who his edueation in English-speaking Christian school & who has been familiar with Western culture & religion from a very early age. Beginning in 1959 with a tour of Eurpoe, Canada, the United States & South America that lasted two years, Swamiji would continue to travel to the West regularly. One very significant tour occurred over a three year period from 1968 to 1971. By that time Swamiji—S. Nagarajan (now Swami Vimalananda). In this extended tour, Swamiji & S. Nagarajan were invited to numerous countries in Africa, many of the countries of Europe, including Belgium, France, Holland, the U.K., Germany & Italy, & then to the United States & Canada, later to South America, & finally across the Pacific to Fiji, Australia, Hong Kong, the Phillipines, Malaysia & Sri Lanka. The extensive touring continued unabated from 1971 until 1996. Swamiji visited South Africa almost every year, the U.S. approximately fifteen times & Europe almost twenty times. In each of the places they visited, Swamiji would meet with people, hold satsangs, & give spiritual talks. S. Nagarajan would tape record each of the talks & faithfully transcribe them, & over the year he accumulated trove of transcribed talks that would eventually come to fill a very large suitcase. It is from those many wonderful spiritual discources that the talks that make up this book have been chosen.
''Concentration and meditation'' form the innercore of the practice of Yoga. It is the key to the door of Inner Illumination and constitutes the central pivot round which all Sadhana in the spirtual field revlves. Dharana and Dhyana are the Yoga proper, leading to the consummation, Samadhi and Sakshatkare or Realisation.
P.B 125/=
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