THE PIGEON IN PRISON:- THE RAJAH OF TANJORE was on his death-bed. Doctors had given up hope. The grief-stricken members of the royal household hung their long faces & awaited the end of the life they loved. Sleepless nights & torrents of tears had left them weary & speechless; their blank looks sought the floor more than the face of the monarch. “Get thee gone, you beggar! Great doctors have failed. Are you going to succeed? Shouted the gatekeepers of the royal household. The target was a mendicant. Little did they realize that he was the renowned saint Raghaviah. MAN—THE GLORY OF CREATION:- THE CUNNING FOX:- was vexed at the glorification of man & his exalted position in God’s creation. It thought within itself: “Am I in any way less intelligent than man? Or is he less cunning than I am when he wants to cheat others? He is living creature just as much as I am. In fact I am more contented than he. I don’t wear costly or a variety of clothes every season. I endure heat & cold patiently. I do not ask for umbrellas to protect me from the rain, or dark glasses to prevent the glare of the sunlight in summer. I do not ask for a motor-car or train to go from place to place. Though we animals possess all these & many more noble qualities, why should man be considered as superior to us. I shall see that injustice is put to an end.” The fox ran hither & thither & incited other animals to join him. He was able to gather a number of them. Then they all went to the elephant. The wise elephant said, “Brothers, there is no doubt some truth in what you say. Let us then go to another forest dweller & ascertain his views. There lives a sage in youder cottage. Let us go to him & represent our case.” THE GURU’S LOVE:- “MASTER, HOWEVER MUCH I try to restrain it, my mind wanders towards the enjoyments of this world. Often I think of leaving you without informing you. But my love for your lotus feet prevents from taking such an ungrateful step. My Lord, what must I do? Please guide me,” Ram thus pleaded to his Guru, Premananda. It was just a month since he had entered the Ashram of his Guru. “Child, I too have been watching your keen, inner struggle. Deeply embedded desires are hard to conquer. Fesr not. Go forth nito the world. Lord the life of a householder for some time & satisfy the intense craving of your mind. But all the time fix your mind on the Lotus feet of the Lord. Never lose sight of your goal. Come bake after ten yours. Do not stay longer. Ram took leave of his Guru. He went to his home town, married & settled down to family life. He had served his Guru with heart & soul, & had earned his Guru’s Grace. Success waited upon him. Soon he was one of the most prosperous men in the town, with a loving wife & lovely children. KANCHA PRABHU:- ONCE UPON A TIME there lived in a distant village near Allahabad, a Vaishva by the name of Kancha Prabhu. His parents belonged to Mysore & he went out of his home town in search of business, finally settling in Allahabad. He dealt in piece-goods. By the Will of God he became very rich. He was so rich that he did not know exactly how much wealth he had in his possession. He had no sons. He had only a wife to serve him. Days passed by. Kancha Prabhu became old. In all his lifetime he had never given anything in charily to anyone. So one ady his wife, Santipriya, told him that they should do some charity & visit Banares & other places of pilgrimage at once in their lives. Kancha Prabhu was reluctant to undertake any pilgrimage for fear of losing his train fare & the food & other expenses in connection with the pilgrimage. He said that they need not go anywhere on pilgrimage & that Pravag was itself the holiest of Tirthas. It was enough if they took their bath in the Triveni at Prayag. His wife agreed.