Maa Anandmayi's English Books
To write a biography of Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee or to draw the attention of the world to Her infinite power is not the object of this feeble attempt on my part. In this little sket-ch, I have described only a few facts of my own direct experie-nce to show how She opened up a fountain of life in my almo-st parched-up soul. All the blemishes that appear in this woek are traceable to my own personal limitations for which I since-rely implore Her pardon.******************************
I lost my mother whan I was but a small boy. I have heard my relatio-ns say that my eyes used to swim in tears whenever I heaed infants b-abbling out “Ma, Ma” ; & that Iwould soothe my heart by lying on the floor, weeping silenly.**************************************** One day Mataji said to me : Remember, you really are a Brahmin; & there is a very subtle, close spiritual link between this body* & yourself.’’ Feom that very day I tried to keep my body pure in allrespects.