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YANTRA iMAGES (Compiled and edited by Dilip Kumar)
Other Religion Books
Apart from ritual commodities mantras and their chanting, yantras and mandalas play a special and important role in ritual ceremonies. It is considered that if mantras are devatas (deities), then yantras are their abode. Wiyhout yantras, the ritual of the deities remains incomplete.----------------(225x147mm., H.B., 88pga.)INDICA BOOK.
395/=YOGA & PARAPSYCHOLOGY (Empirical Research & Theoretical Studies) K. RAMAKRISHNA RAO
Other Religion Books
Yoga is widely known around the world; parapsychology is less so. However, both are equally misunderstood. For example, according to the Compact Oxford Dictionary (2001/2005) I have on my desk, parapsychology is “the study of mental phenomena which are outside the area of orthodox psychology.” This hardly tells us anything about parapsychology except that it is outside the scope of conventional psychology. Again, the same dictionary says that yoga “is a Hindu spiritual discipline,” which is also not the right description. Yoga is more than a Hindu discipline; & it is not limited to spiritual seekers. Parapsychology is the scientific discipline that studies psychic phenomena such as the ability to have information & to interact with environment by means that do not seem to involve no known energy transfer or exchange, ufology, palm-and tarot-card reading, hypnotic to “past lives,” & a host of other occult practices. Similarly, for many yoga means no more than certain physical postures & breathing exercises. There is more to parapsychology & yoga than these popular misconceptions of them suggest. Since industial revolution in the West, science has grown exponentially. The growth, however, is primarily in physical & biological domains with human sciences lagging far behind. The asymmetry between the two is a cause of serious concern for those looking at the future of human on this planet.
Other Religion Books
See inside every yoga pose! With clear, expert instruction & full-color, detailed anatomical drawings, Yoga Anatomy depicts the most common asanas to provide a deeper understanding of the structures & principles underlying each movement & of yoga itself. From breathing to standing poses, see how each muscle is used, how slight alterations of a pose can enhance or reduce effectiveness & how the spine, breathing, & body position are all fundamentally. Whether you are just beginning your journey or have been practicing yoga for years, Yoga Anatomy will be an invaluable resource—one that allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light. Author Leslie Kaminoff is a recognized expert & teacher in anatomy, breathing, & bodywork. He is the founder of The Breathing Project, New York City’s premier yoga studio dedicated to the teaching of individualized, breath-centered yoga practice & therapy. This book is by no means an exhaustive study of human anatomy or the vast science of yoga. No single book possibly be. Both fields a potenating infinite number of details, both macro-and microscopic—all of which are endlessly fascinating & potentially useful in certain contexts. My intention is to present what I consider to be the key detaomy that are of the most value & use to people who are involved in yoga, whether as students or teachers. To accomplish this, a particular context, or view, is necessary. This view will help sort out the important details from the vast sea of information available. Furthrmore, such a view will help to assemble these details into an integrated view of out existence as “indivsible entites of matter & consciousness.”
$19.95 & Canada $21.95YOGA IN MODERN INDIA (JOSEPH S. ALTER)
Other Religion Books
Yoga has come to an icon of Indian culture and civlization, and it is widely regarded as being timeless and unchanging. Based on extensive ethnographic research and an analysis of both ancient and modern texts, Yoga in Modern India challenges this popular view by examining the history of yoga, focusins on its emergence in modern India and its dramatically changing form and significance in the twentieth century.
325/=YOGA NIDRA By Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Other Religion Books
Satyananda Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa. This text explains the theory of yoga nidra in both yogic & scientific terms & includes class transcriptions of the practice. It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique, which has been used for deep relaxation, in stress management & therapy, to enhance the learning process in education, to harmonize the deeper unconscious & awaken inner potential, & as a meditative technique. A research section is also included.
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