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Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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By Ma’s grace, yet another volume of Didi’s invaluable record of Ma’s day to day life has been translated into English. I would like to apologize for an error that seems to have arisen in my calculation of the dates according to the Julian calendar from the dates given by Didi according to the Bengali calender. I realized the discrepancy when the date of Bholanath’s samadhi appeared as May 6th, 1938 (23 Vaishakh, 1345 Bengali Era). To arrive at this date I consulted Sri Amulya Datta Gupta’s book, ‘In Association With Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi’, & found that the starting date of this volume of Didi’s diary (Volume 6) should be December 9Th, 1937 (23 Agrahayana, 1344 Bengali Era). This leads to a necessary correction in Volume 5 of the English translation of Didi’s diary which should stsrt from June 13Th 1937 rather than June 16Th 1937. Bhaiji’s samadhi date should be August 18th, 1937 rather than August 21st 1937 & Volume 5 should end on Wednesday, 8Th December 1937.
However , in ‘Ma Anandamayi Lila—Memoirs of Sri Hari Ram Joshi’, the date of Bholanath’s samadhi is given as May 7Th, 1938 & Bhaiji’s samadhi date as August 17Th, 1937. These discrepancies seem to have arisen because of the ambiguities involved in translating dates from the one or more Hindu calendars to the Jullian calendar I would like to pay homsge to the mamory of Sri G.N. Roy Misra, who is no longer in our midst, & who was a source of constant encouragement to me in translating Didi’s diari. I would also like to offer my tribute to the late Sri Lalit Mohan, who was ever engrossed in thoughts of Ma & who first introduced me to ma in 1972. Without my husband’s encouragement & his regular of the manuscript this service could neve been accomplished. My grateful thanks are also offered to the publicaqtion Division of Shree Shree Anandamayee Charitable Society for allowing me to render this service at feet of Ma.
While Ma was staying at Siddheshwari, she had instructed me thus : “For a few days come & meet me only once a day & then go away. Do not remainhere.” On reaching there the next day I found that Ma had received a letter from Bholanth who was at Tarapeeth. The letter had been brought by Surendra Nath Mukhopadhyaya. As per Ma’s orders, I met her & came away while the rest of the people remained sittined sitting near Ma. Ma had come out of her room by noon. When Father returned home at night Icame to know that Bholanath had written to Ma to came to know Bholanath had written to Ma to come to Tarapeeth & had sent Surendre Nath Mukhopadhyaya only to escort her. Ma was leaving the very next day. Since she had for- bidden me to meet her more than once daily, I realised that even if I were to go to her again that day I would not get darshan. Hence I spent the night somehow or other & early next mo- nring, Father & I went to Siddheshwari. Jyotish Dada was already there. Ma came out of the temple. After a little while she again went inside the room where I followed her & began to weep bitterly. Ma consoled me, but she was going away, so words of consolation had no eff-ect on me. Meanwhile Father & Joytish Dada were making arrangements for Ma’s journey. The luggage was meagre. After Bholanath’s departure, Ma had made a small bedding with a couple of old, tattered blankets without a pillow or anything else. Even earlier, Ma had haed- ly ever used a pillow, but it was kept with her bedding. Soon it was time for Ma’s departure. I fed Ma with great difficulty & then returued to the sm-all room & cried. Ma came & sat by me, saying, “If Iwrite to you ‘come,’ only then should you come.” Ma went to the Kali tample & caressed the image as if she were taking leave of Kali. No one else was present, only I saw Ma do this. Ma had already been to Navadveep once, & had met a mauni sadhu (renunciate who observes a vow of silence). No one was allowed to enter the sadhu’s room, & he had to be viewed only from a distance. Bholanath, Charu Babu & several others belived that it was not a human being at all but a statue from Kriahnangar, which was being called a man in order to make money. At Girin Mitra’s house, the topic of this sudhu came up during conversation. Ma said she eanted to go & see the sadhu omce aggin. So Girin Dada, his widowed sister-in-law & Jiten Dada took Ma to Navadveep. Ma stayed at the mauni sadhu’s Ashram for a few days. When she expressed her desire to stay on further, Girin Dada left his sister-in-law with Ma, & returned to Calcutta with Jiten Dada.At that time, Ma’s daily diet consisted ofbtwo or three rotis with a little boiled diet consisted of two or three rotis with a little boiled vegetable. Girin Dada’s sister-in-law prepared this for Ma & ate some of it herself
Brahmachrini Chanadan Puranacharya
Translated form Bengali to English By Sri Swami Virajananda ji Maharaj
Brahmachrini Chanand Puranacharya
Translated form Bengali to English By Sri Swami Virajananda
Ji Maharaj
There is nothing in the world that can be called new. Revolving ceaselessly on the wheel of time, the old appears and again clothed in ever new forms. This is even more obvious concerning the dissemination of Supreme Wisdom (parana Tatwa). Time after time, expressed in many different ways, there have been numerous attempts throughout the ages to proclaim the Eternal Truth Of the ONE in the many. This ancient Truth (satya) has ever pueiofird and enlightened the human mind. To this category belongs the teaching set forth in the 'Sad Vine'' . May it bring Supreme Joy to all its readers!
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