HAPPINESS IS YOUR CREATION (SWAMI RAMA) Compiled by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph. D.
Swami Rama
''Let me tell you clearly that you will be the hoppiest person on the planet when you know who y-ou are, where you have come from, your purpose for being here, & where you will go when you leave this world'' ___________Swami Rama************************************************************** When Swami Rama lay on his deathbed, he spoke the follwing words to the author of this book: ''You are a creation of God, but happiness is your creatiopn. You are equipped with every-thing you need yo live a happy life. Your only job is to discover the source of happiness within & infuse your surroundings with that inner happiness.'' On the pages within, Pandit Rajmani Tiguna-it Ph. D., delves deeper into insight & other lessons he learned from his master.