Yogirajadhiraj Swami VISHUDDHANAND PARAMAHANSADEVA Life & Philosophy
Once Arjuna asked Lord Krishna -'Oh Krishna! What happens to a Yogi who dies before estabishing himself completely in Yogi with the Eternal Self (GOD) @ becoming a SIDDHA YOGI?
Shree Krishna replied -OH Arjuna! such an un-eatabished YOGI-SADHAK , who fails to attain maturity in Yogi, either in this world or the higher one, is not destrurity because not a single soul who is on this path of God-realization ever comes to grief or falls into a lower stage. After death such a one lives for a long period in holy lokas (worlds) Thereafter, he is born in the family of a piont & stage he had attained in the previous births. & so he goes on, on & on till such time as he achieves his goal of pen -ultimate liberation of the soul- called PARAM SIDDHI; .