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Sri Ramana Maharshi
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Sri Ramana Maharshi’s Moksha is a new interdisciplinary Hindu astrological work in the spiritual spheres of Dharma & Moksha-exemplified through the life & Moksha of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Dr. Sankara Bhagavadpada’s credentials as a researcher in theoretical nuclear physics (1972-1982) as well as his ensuing years of selfless service (1983-2000) as an acharya in the spiritual mission of his Master Sri Sri Bhagavan, have profoundly impressed themselves upon this work, in the form of a systematic incisive enquiry as well as an intimate familiarity & understanding of the spiritual life. In January 2007, the Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology, founded by the renowned Vedic astrlolger Prof V.K. Choudhry, conferred upon the author the honorary title of Jyotish Ratan in recognition of his contribution to Hindu astrology. The author’s unwavering devotion to the teaching of his four Spiritual Masters: Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Sri Bhagavan, Sri J.Krishnamurti & Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, has certainly imbued the work with a spiritual intensity that is deyoid of all narrowness. The book throws new light on the nature of Moksha, the necessary & sufficient conditions for its occurrence, & also on the very process of the Maharsh’s Moksha itself. For these reasons, the work is also bound to stand out as an important contribution to the growing corpus of ‘Ramana Literature’ in the world. Astrologers & seekers alike travelling on diverse paths will find in this book astonishing new insights, which will enable them to see ‘order’, for the first time, in the find of their enigmatic spiritual lives; a field wherein they would have seen previously no definitive pattern of spiritual destiny at all – but only a seething confusion of disillusionment & belied hopes.
AT THE FEET OF BHAGAVAN RAMANA My first darshna of Bhagavan Sri Ramana was in January, 1921 at Skandashram, which is on the eastern slope of Arunachala & looks like the very heart of the majestic Hill. It is a beautiful quiet spot with a few coconut and other trees & aperennial crystal-clear spring. Bhagavan was there as the very core of such natural beauty.
While scripture can be potent medicine for the dis- ease of samsara, spiritual stories are like delici- ous sweets giving us a direct & effortless taste of sublime spiritual truths. Ramana Maharshi was a master chef who pro- vided a divine feast for his devotees. Timeless parables & epic tales came alive with his graci- ous words & inimitable dramatization. “Such was the attraction of these stories,” said Kunju Swami literally stop whatever we were doing & run to his side to hear it again!’’ May the seeker find both inspiration & guida- nce, entertainment & enlightenment in these classic stories as retold by our beloved Sadguru.
During the four years from 1935 to 1939 , Munagals Venkataramiah, a veteran devotee and the author of this work, painstakingly recorded the conversations that took place in the Old Hall between Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and his devotees.
The renowned Indian sage Ramana Maharshi is beloved by Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, & Taoists alike for the inspirational power of his teachings, which transcend all religious differences. Here is a collection of Sri Ramana’s instructions & discourses culled from three works: Who Am I?, Spiritual Instructions, & Maharshi’s Gospel. These teachings are arranged by topics such as work & renunciation, silence & solitude, Peace & happiness, & the discipline of self-inquiry. Reading this book, presented in question-and-answer format, evokes the feeling of being with this outstanding teacher at one of his intimate teaching sessions. RAMANA MAHARSHI(1879-1950) was one of the greatest spiritual teacher of modern-day India. At the age of seventeen he attained a profound experience of the true Self. After years of silent seclusion he finally began to reply to the questions put to him by spiritual seekers all over the world. Though he wrote little, his many conversations & verbal teachings were recorded followers & have been published in India & the United States. SRI RAMANA & HIS MESSAGE TO MODERN MAN:-Sri Ramana is a true son of Indian earth. He is genuine &, in addition to that, something quite phenomenal. In India he is the whitest spot in a white space. What we find in the life & teachings of Sri Ramana is the purest of India; with its breath of world-liberated & liberating humanity, it is a chant of millenniums. This melody is built up on a single, great motif, which, in a thousand colorful reflexes, rejuvenates itself within the Indian spirit, & the latest incarnation of which is Sri Ramana Maharshi himself. The identification of the Self with God will strike the European as shocking. It is a specifically Oriental realization, as expressed in Sri Ramana’s utterances. Psychology cannot contribute anything further to it, except the remark that it lies far beyoud its scope to propose such a thing. However, it is clear to the Indian that the Self as spiritual Source is not different from God; & in so far man abides in his Self, he is not only contained in God Himself. Sri Ramana is quite clear in this respect. The Goal of Eastern prstern practices is the same as that of Western mysticism: the focus is shifited from the “I” to the Self, from man to God. This means that the “I’’ disappears in the Self, & the man in God. A similar effort is described in the exercitia spiritualia , in which the “personal property,” the “I’’ subjugate to the highest possible degree to the possessorship of Christ. Sri Ramakrishna adopted the same position in regard to the Self, only with him the dilemma between the “I’’ & the Self comes a little more closely to the foreground. Sri Ramana declares unmistakably that the real purpose of spiritual practice is the dissolution of the “I.’’Ramakrishna, however, shows a somewhat hesitating attitude in this respect. Though he says, “As long as the I-sense lasts, so long are true Knowledge (jnana) & Liberation (mukti) impossible,” yet he must acknowledge the fatal nature of ahamkara. He says, “How very few can obtain this Union (samadhi) & free themaelves from this “I”? It is very rarely possible. Talk as much as you want, isolate yourself continuously, still this ‘I’ will always return to you. Con down the poplar tree today, & you will find tomorrow it forms new shoots. When you ultimately find that this ‘I’ cannot be destroyed, let it remain as ‘I’ the servant.” In relation to this concession, Sri Ramana is certainly the more radical.
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