Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Ved Samhitas
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The Caraka Samhita stands at the top of the ancient texts representing the School of Medicine in Ayurveda founded by the great School-Sage Punarvasu Atreya. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that it is the only text available in cpmplete form where-as other contemporary Samhitas such as of Jatukarna, Parasara ets.
(Sanskrit text, English translate)
INTRODUCTION:-The Vedas are the foremost record of great advance made first ever by humanity since its awareness of the physical world around & the metaphysical element pervading it although. The composition of Vedas could have been possible only after the human beings developed the language as the means of their communication & defined it into the components of phonemes (vocalic & consonantal), & morphemes (i.e. root+suffix combinations). We have reference in the Vedas themselves that prior to the compositions of Vedic hymns, the intellectual defined the crude form of language into the possible combination of root+suffix. Daivim vacamayajanta devastam visvarupam pasavo vadanit. ‘The scholars scarificed for standardization of language, which was spoken earlier in many forms of dialects by the then illiterates in the society.’ In fact yajna was taken by the Vedic Scholiasts to mean operation. That yajna / operation was carried out always to make improvement upon the earlier situation & called as the noblest act. Yajni vai sresthathatamam karma. Thus when the operation ‘Standardization of language’ was over, operation ‘composition of hymns’ was started. We have references to this type of operation from RV. 1.164.50; 10.90.16; AV. 7.5.1.; VS. 31.16; TS.3.5.11 as follows yajnen yajnamayajanta devastani dharmani prathamanyasan te ha nakam mahimanah sacanta yatra purve sadhyah sacanta ‘The Scholars carried out the operation / yajna (chandas), i.e. composition of hymns of first operation i.e. by means of standardized language. The literary couplets composed during second operation / yajna became the first ever dharmas i.e. literary compositions in the literary history of manking. The seerscomposed these chandas after appreciation of the properties of the luminous matter (naka) which were already approved by the earlier thinkers’. In fact all the mysteries unraveled by the seers regarding the luminous matter were pronounced in the forms of literaqry couplets, or chandas. These couplets or chandas were regarded as dharmas. This is way, Yaska an ancient Indian Vedic scholar alludes to the origin of Vedas (chandas) as: SOURCES OF SAMA SAMHITA:- In the compostion of Sama Samhita, the entire bulk of mantras was borrowed from Regved. Out of total 1875 mantras, around 1800 hundred mantras can be located to the extant Sakala recension of Rgveda which is quite popular & available to us in its intact from. Two mantras 1832, 1833 can be located to Yajurveda. Rest of the 73 mantras cannot be located to the popular Rk Samhita, it is therefore easy to infer that all of these mantras must have belonged to belonged to some lost recension of the RV.
In this book, the author provided a free rendering Upanisads in a simple & forceful style. He has p-resented their main ideas, of which he displays a firm grasp, in an intelligent & easily assimilable manner. This is not a mere translation, but as author has exolained &commented on them, are also providing an interpretation of their philosophy.
The Vedas are the foremost record of great advance made first ever by humanity since its awar-eness of the phyiscal world around & the metaphysical element pervading it althrough. The comp-osition of Vedas could have been possible only after the humans had developed the language as the means of their communication & defined it into the components phonemes (vocalic & consona-ntal), & morphemes (i. e. root + suffix combinations). COMPILATION OF YAJURVEDA**** Yajurveda is the collection of Yajusas. All the yajusas were compiled in the form of Yajurveda ke-eping in view the various Adhvaras & the person or priest who conducted & Adhvaras was also known as Adhvaryu. Adhvaryu is the name of yajna. Yaska clarifies the very intention of the wo-rd Adhivara as:
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