Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Swami Rama
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on the surface, this book is a biography of a great sage of the Himalayas who mastered the West a syste for understanding the mysteries of body, mind, & spirit. But like the life of Swami Rama, these pages go much deepre than a mere sequence of astonishi-ng events. Through stories of the authentic & furitful guru-disciple relationships Swami Rama had with both his mysterions master Bengali Baba & his own students, youwill see how the prceious stream of spiritual tradition is transmitrd through the generations. These pages also serve as a guide to the more esoteric & advanced practices of yoga & tantra not commonly taught or underst-ood in the West. And they bring you to holy places in India, revealing why these sacred sites are important & how to go about visiting them.
475/= U.S.A $ 18.95
You can live a healthy & happy life, provided you understand that happiness is of your own crea-tion. The Art of Joyful Living is a manual for learning how to be happy here & now. Whether you are on a spiritual quest or are simply looking for a way to improve your life, The Art of Joyful living offers a simple philosophy of living & practical suggestions for being happy. Swa-mi Rama shows how to maintain a joyful view of life even in difficult times. He gives methods for transforming habit patterns, devloping intuition, cultivating strength & willpower, maintaining loving relationships, & more. His insight into the human mind & heart makes this book a source of inspiration for anyone looking to live a healthier, happier life. this revised edition contains a new forword by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait Ph.D.
240/= & U.S.A $15.95
Compiled with on Jntroduction by Susunaga weeraperuma Fore word by Rebecca Manring
Swami Eama was the first Himalayan Yogi to demonstrate to the Western scientific community the astonishing level of self-mastery achieved by Indian adepts. In the Royal Path he introduces us to the ancient yogic technigues as they're actually practiced by those who attain the highest of life. In this step-by-step program,Swami Rama outlines the basic physical exercises, mantal discipline-s, & ethical commitments of Raja Yoga, the ''Royal Path'' to self-transformation & enlightennent. Th-e is an enduring classic, one of the clearest & most inapiring introductions to yoga science availa-ble in English. Whether our goal is improved health, emotional balance, enhanced creativity, or spiritual explorati-on, the practices Swami Rama describes here hold the key. This book was originally published under the title Lectures on Yoga.
240/= U.S.A. $ 14.95
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