Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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PILGRIMAGE TO KAILAS SUNDAY, 16 JUNE 1937************************ At eight a.m. we set out for Kailas with Ma. Others who were with us were to return from Almora. They all wept while ieaving Ma. Nagendada who had come from Calcutta, Naren Choudhary & family from Delhi, Hari Ram & Manik from Dehradun all returned. Ma Bholanath,Jyotish Dada, Swami Akhandanada, Tunu (Prankumar Babu’s son), Dasudada & a servant (Keshav Singh) & I set out on the journey. The hill tribe girl Parvati was also with us. She was waittin- g in Almora to accompany Ma. At eleven a.m. we reached a forest bungalow in a place called Barching. The scenic beauty was exquisite. We had refresments & rested till three p.m. The bungalow was situated at a distance of seven miles from Almora. Before evening we reached a place called Dhoulchina which was another five & ahalf miles away. We cooked, had dinner & epent the night on the verandah of a Dak bungalow. On Monday June 17, we started at five a.m. & reached Seraghat elev- en miles further. Enormous trees grew on the banks of the river at Seraghat. We cooked beneath one of the trees & finished with the ritual of eating. We then lay down beneath the trees for it was difficult to walk in the hot sun. ten or twelve cooli-es were carrying our luggage & walking with us. Five dandis had been hired along with fifteen coolies. Parvati was accompanied by another lady, her small daughter & her brother. They had two coolies with them. The coolies reached the spot, cooked rotis for themselves & lay down to rest. Each coolie carries a maximum load of fifteen seers. A horse was not available for Tunu at Almora—a horse will be picked up on the way. As one dandi was spoilt, it was replaced by another one at Seraghat. We could still spot a shop or two & three, where we purchased rice, dal, ghee, salt & other essentials. We heard that no such shops would be we proceeded further. We had also carried some food items with us. We were told that nothi- ng would be available beyond Garbivantherefore we had dry fruit, sugar candy, pepper power, tamarind pickles & other items packed with us. It is nec- essary to keep such items in stock to go across ice-laden tracks, had heard that some travellers feel giddy & faint on the way to Garbiyan & so a lady at Almora had prepared a concoction of pepper, dried mango power & other apices und-er the belief that it would keep our heads clear.*******************************
Friday, 3rd July, 1936. Today we travelled to Dehradun from Solan with Ma. It was decided that we would again go to Simla tomorrow. By Ma’s orders, Jyotish Dada had been in Dehradun all these days, & he now had the darshan of Ms’s feet after this interval. Devotees in Dehradun began arriving for Ma’s darshan because Ma had retured after nearly a month & a half. She had left suddenly after the festival & no one had received prior information of her departure. Today, hearing that she had come, thay were all flocking to her. Ma ate & after her meal rested awhile. The cold & fever seemed to be worse. When people heard that Ma was leaving the very next day, joy was cut short but no one can impede Ma’s kheyala except on some occasions when, on Bholanath’s request, some change had been wroght. Late in the night people retuned to their homes & Ma slept. Saturday, 4th July. Ma rose in the morning & walked about in the compound. She was to evening. Crowds of people train the same evening. Crowds of people poured in for Ma’s darshan & Ma was enquiring about each one’s welfare & delighting them with her sweet conversation them while talking about ordinary matters. Soon it was time to leave. This time Jyothish Dada accompanied us. Sharada, Lakshmi, Hariram, Hamsa & many others came to the station. All were sad at the thought that they did not know when they would see Ma again. We left Dehradun by the six o’clock train, reached Kalka the next morning & started for Simla by car. Sunday, 5th July. On the way we met Dr.Joshi at Solan & learnt that the Raja Sahib was going to Simla on hearing that Ma was arriving there. After Ma & we lift, others from Solan turned up.
Thursday, January 24th 1937. In the morning today, Sashi Babu took Ma to be photog- raphed. Then she taken to the Kali Bari. Jyotash Dada imssed his train yeaterday & could not reach here today. It had been decided earlier that we would leave for Adinath taday after Jyotish Dada’s arrival. Ma wantede to leave as scheduled & when Bholanath & the devotees tried to postpone her departure, she said, “When l have had the kheyal to leave today, let us go to Sitakunda today.” Accordingly we left for Sitakunda by the eleven a.m. train. saahi Babu accompanied Ma & arranged for her stay at the Shankarmath. As soon as the sannyasis at Shankarmath saw Ma thay welcomed her with great regard. We were given accommodation in a beautiful house on the hill top. The place was very quiet, desolate & extremely lovely. Firday, January 25. Early in the morning Ma went for a walk in the mountaions. Then she sat in her room & conversed. I saig, “Ma, the other day you had said that on reading that one book, nothing remains unknown.” Ma confirmed, “Yes, so it is. On reading that one book, not only all languages, but no subject also remains unknown. For example take the rishi who is the seer of mantras ; an example cannot illustrate every aspect; underatand it.” Many devatees from Chittagong have arrived today & Jyotish Dada has also reached. As soon as he arrived he heard that his one & inly daughter had passed away. But by Ma’s grace he did get upset even slightly, so that it seemed as nothing had happened; externally this was the manner in which he appeared to us.*************************
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